Wednesday, June 28, 2006
dear's bdae!!!
happy bdae my dear!!love ya lots!
must go out some day ok?
i'll pass u ur present after exams=)
look forward to it horh:p
its sookie's bdae today,
its sookie's bdae today,
she'll get presents and cute guys,
that will last her a lifetime:p
Monday, June 26, 2006
exam woes.
stupid troublemakers.
now i have to suffer in
warm classrooms for the rest of my papers la.
like wth.
ur stupid comments only gave the sch
more reason to be cheap and cut back on our aircon usage.
bloody toot.
then we have aircon for what?!
if not to make use of during exams.
im one pissed girl man.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
dream home
if i were rich,
i'd have a big mansion with many rooms.
this is how im gonna decorate the rooms
- a model of council room.complete with all the blazers in the cupboards, minus all the pests.
- walk-in wardrobe, dream of every girl.
- retro dtuffs: psycedellic colours and nice antiques.
- library, must look like the one in my old primary sch cos lots of happy memories there=p
- my room, main attraction: HUGEEE BEAN BAG!!
- my dogs' room
- gadgets room, funfun=)
- DDR room, looks quite fun ah..bud paiseh to try at arcades:p
- my own marche, kenny rogers, fish and co. and SAKAE!!!=D
- paintball room, sounds super fun:p
- a model of my pw, haha.
- man made beach, and fale sun that will tan bud no harmful UV.
- tigger room: all the tigger collectables i can get my hands on:D
- barbeque, indoor barbeque and slackers' corner, no one will have to get dirty:p
- a room designed like those fun dazzle places with all those colourful plastic balls.
plus i want my own honda jazz
in red yellow and lime green
then i want a huge pool
a nice gym and a cute gym instructor:p
whoo!!great to be rich la.
.lest i shall forget.
Monday, June 19, 2006

leaving footprints..

leaving footprints..

ibz's big
leaving footprints..

me and mimi!!
leaving footprints..
latest update in times of stress:p
i love the june holidays=)
albeit its more sinister purpose
of forcing us to make the hard decision between studies and play.
cos basically, the whole mth free means alot of time,
and less contact with ur friends.
not that i like the latter tho.
lots of time give u chances to think
abt ur goals in life and the direction
that ur choices have taken u thus far.
we undeniably might regret some of our actions,
wish time would stop at certain point of our lives,
or for interpersonal relations to stay status quo and not sour.
the most famous(yet disliked?)line:
'the only constant in life is change.'
however, time also gives people opportunity to change,
either from a person they previously did not like,
certain habits and practices,
so, i've dedicated this one mth to forgetting.
a stranger i met along the way.
hope its working=)
one last pt tho.......................................................................................................................................................................I MISS MY FRIENDS SO MUCH CANS!!=P
and i love every single one of them,
whether or not i see them everyday.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
a girl her knight and her prince.
i believe that every girl
is a princess in her own way.
and ond of the things she is waiting
for in life is for her prince
to appear and sweep her off her feet.
sometimes this prince will only appear
after a long period of waiting.
sometimes she might think she has met the one
bud its just a matter of wrong place wrong time.
often times, he leaves her smaller than she once was,
a broken soul,
because when he leavee, he takes a part of her with him.
however, i also believe that
the two most importandt person in a girl's life,
apart from her fater or siblings,
is her prince and knight.
her prince is the one described above and
her knight is going to be described here below.
a girl's knight is always there for her.
he sees the tears and unhappiness
in the girl caused by her prince.
he dries her tears and solves her problems,
however, he knows that he can never be
the most important in her heart.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
question and answer.
Chapter 1: You
Middle name: -
Current location: living room.glued to the lappie.
Hair length: in the midst of growing.ever since like last yr-.-
Eyecolor: dark brown
Chapter 2: The Background
Do you live with your parent(s): yupps.
Do you get along with your parents: most of e time
parents married/separated/divorced?: married
Do you have any siblings?: an older sis.
What pets do you have?: an imaginary dog.
Chapter 3: Favorites
Ice cream flavor: any sorbet=)
Season: winter.nice chilly wind, excuse to cuddle:p
Shampoo/conditioner: pantene.
Chapter 4: Do You
Sing in the shower: occasionally:p
Write memos on your hand?: very rarely.
Call people back?: duh.
Believe in love: not at the moment.
Sleep on a certain side of the bed?: when u see how small my bed is.......
Wear glsses or contacts?: glasses.
have any bad habits:? of course.
Chapter 5: Have You Ever
Worn braces?: nope.bud it kinda looks cute:p
Broken a bone? dislocated.
Had stitches?: yeap.busted my chin.
Shoplifted?: no way.
Taken painkillers?: occasionally.
Been stung by a bee?: nope
Slept with your contacts in overnight?: -no.
Been to overnight camp?:love them to bits.
Sworn in front of your parents?: yep,
Had detention?: totally.
Been sent to the principal's office?: yep.-.-to make me change class in sec 1.f-ker.
when u fall in love with somebody,
make sure u are willing to go far to protect her frm harm,
even if it is urself.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
i hate it when people send me cursed chain mails.
especially those with what
'u'll have bad luck for the next ten yrs',
'-(insert name)- didnt pass on this chain
and the love of her life broke up with her for nothing!'
or something to that effect.
im damn pantang(?) one can.
bud i still refuse to pass on
these senseless msgs to my friends.
u know how irritating it can get
when u see this mail being supposedly frm your friends
then it turns out to be some curse thing.
i mean who actually pass on these stuffs
to friends must really be annoyed with them la.
thought i told u i hated being pangseh-ed.
but u still did it anyway.
last time anyway.
just not meant to be.
oh one last thing.
it sucks when u dont know im angry.
and dont assume that
saying 'sorry' cures everything all the time.
cos it doesnt.