Tuesday, November 29, 2005
quizzie again:p
You Are 60% Boyish and 40% Girlish |
You are pretty evenly split down the middle - a total eunuch. Okay, kidding about the eunuch part. But you do get along with both sexes. You reject traditional gender roles. However, you don't actively fight them. You're just you. You don't try to be what people expect you to be. |
You Are The Cranberry Sauce |
 A little sweet, a little sour - you've got the flava! Though, you do tend to squish in people's mouths... |
Your Hat Personality Is A |
 Fedora |
Your Ideal Marriage Proposal Is |
 Spontaneous, on a tropical vacation, when he realizes he can't be without you. |
You are White Chocolate |
 You have a strong feminine side with a good bit of innocence thrown in. Whether your girlish ways are an act or not, men like to take care of you. You are an understated beauty, and your power is often underestimated! |
wHeN a gIrL cRiEs
When a girl cries it doesnt mean she's weak..
If a girl cries in front of u..it means that she
couldnt take it anymore.
If u take her hand, she would stay with u for the
rest of ur life;
If u let her go, she couldnt go back to being
herself anymore.
A girl wont cry easily, except in front of the person
whom she loves the most, she becomes weak.
A girl wont cry easily, only when she loves u the
most, she puts down her ego.
Guys, if a girl cries bcoz of u, please hold her
hands firmly, coz she's the one who is willing to
stay with u 4 for the rest of ur life.
Guys, if a girl cries bcoz of u, please dont give her
up, maybe bcoz of ur decision, u ruin her life.
When she cries rite in front of u, when she cries
bcoz of u, Look into her eyes,
Can u see n feel the pain n hurt she's feeling?
Which other girl have cried with pure sincerity,
n front of u, AND bcoz of u?
She cries not because she is weak,
She cries not bcoz she wants sympathy or pity,
She cries,
Because crying silently is no longer possible, the
pain, hurt n agony have bcome too big a burden to
be kept inside.
Think about it,
If a girl cries her heart out to u,
And all because of u,
Its time to look back on wat u have done,
Only u will know the answer to it.
Do consider it,
Coz one day,
It may b too late for regrets,
It may b too late to say "im sorry"... ***
don always think u are right all e times,
think carefully,
everyone has a responsible for everything tat they
she may did wrong but
who makes her do wrong
a girl always need protection
a girl always need care
a girl always need someone beside her to comfort
her when she's sad
a girl always need support when she's down
all e needs are came frm e guy tat she loves
not e frens tat always beside her.
guys, don be too demanding.
it wil harm u lose a girl tat u love e most in ur life.
Monday, November 28, 2005
::You have selected apple::
You are an extravagant, impulsive and outspoken person; often with a bit of a temper. While you may not be the best orangizer yourself, you make a good team leader; and are good at taking things forward. You can take quick action in most situations. You enjoy travel immensely. You ooze with charm when you are with your partner. You have an enthusiasm for life, unmatched by most.
::You are Tweety::
You are cute, and everyone loves you. You are a best friend that
no one takes the chance of losing. You never hurt feelings and
seldom have your own feelings hurt. Life is a breeze. You are
witty, and calm most of the time. Just keep clear of back stabbers,
and you are worry-free.
::Carefree . . . Playful . . . Cheerful::
You love a free and spontaneous life. And you attempt to enjoy it
to the fullest, in accordance with the motto: "You only live once."
You are very curious and open about everything new; you thrive on
change. Nothing is worse than when you feel tied down. You experience
your environment as being versatile and always good for a surprise.
just another love test=)
1. The road represents your attitude towards falling in love.
You chose the long road--you take your time and do not fall in
love easily.
2. The number of red roses represents how much you give in a
relationship, while the number of white represents what you
expect in return.
You give 75% and expect 25% in return.
3. This question represents your attitude towards handling
relationship problems.
You like to get the person yourself--you are a more direct
person and like to work out problems immediately.
4. The placement of the roses determines how much you like to see
your boy/girlfriend.
You want to place the roses on the bed--you like to see him/her
a lot.
5. This represents your attitude towards his/her personality.
You prefer the person to be asleep--you love the person as the
way s/he is.
6. The road to home tells how long you stay in love with someone.
You chose the short road--you fall out of love easily.
That's all folks. Best wishes to those who are in love.
1. You are attracted to those who have split personality, like cold
as ice on the outside, but hot as fire in the heart.
2. In the process of courtship, the approach that would make you
feel irresistable is creative, never let you feel bored.
3. The impression you would like to give to your lover is loyal,
faithful, never change.
4. You don't like it when your partner is emotional and/or too
moody; and you don't know how to please him/her.
5. The kind of relationship you would like to build with your
partner is one which make you feel warmth and in-love always.
6. You care about the society and morality, you won't do anything
wrong after marriage.
7. You think of marriage as a precious thing. Once you get married,
you'll treasure it and your partner very much.
8. At this moment, you don't want to be tied down by a steady
relationship, you just want to flirt around.
I was angry with my friend, I told my wrath and it did end. I was angry with my foe, I told it not, my wrath did grow.
::William Blake::
unexplained bouts of irrationality.
apology is due=)
You Are Japanese Food |
 Strange yet delicious. Contrary to popular belief, you're not always eaten raw. |
How You Are In Love |
 You take a while to fall in love with someone. Trust takes time.
You give and take equally in relationships.
You need your space and privacy. You don't like to be smothered.
You love your partner unconditionally and don't try to make them change.
You are fickle and tend to fall out of love easily. You bounce from romance to romance. |
You Are Likely a Third Born |
 At your darkest moments, you feel vulnerable. At work and school, you do best when you're comparing things. When you love someone, you tend to like to please them.
In friendship, you are loyal to one person. Your ideal careers are: sales, police officer, newspaper reporter, inventor, poet, and animal trainer. You will leave your mark on the world with inventions, poetry, and inspiration. |
Saturday, November 26, 2005
y me?
y me?
unfairness much.
::44 things guys shld noe abt girls::
1. Don`t tell us when you think other
girls are hot.
2. Whenever possible, please say whatever you
have to say during commercials.
3. If you don't act like soap-opera guys, don`t
expect us to dress like Victoria Secret Models.
4. Mark anniversaries on the calendar.
5. We think about you all the time.
6 This is how we see it : Don't call = Don't care.
7. Which also means that if we don`t call, take a
8. We like you to be a little jealous. But overly
possesive is not necessary.
9. Being able to make us laugh is so much more
important than knowing how much you can bench-
10. We're allowed to be late. You're not.
11. Eye contact is the key.
12. Don't take longer to get ready than we do.
13. Laugh at our jokes.
14. 3 words: honesty, honesty, honesty!
15. Girls can be groupies. Guy groupies are
16. Do not start with us. You will not win.
17. Would you like it if a guy treated your sister
that way? Didn't think so.
18 If you ask nicely, we`ll answer the same way.
19. We will never have enough clothes or shoes.
20. We have an excuse for being bitchy at least
once a month.
21 Open the door for us no matter where we are.
22. We love surprises.
23. We like to be kissed softly. Not with an iron
24. Pay attention to the little things we do,
because they mean the most.
25. Boxers and maybe boxer briefs sometimes.
Never tighty-whities!
26. Always brush your teeth before you see us. A
fresh mouth and white teeth are a necessity.
27. Clean your room before we come over.
28. Even though you're sometimes insensitive and
hurt us, we still love you with everything we are.
29. Don't act hard around your friends.
30. Sometimes "NO" really means "NO!".
31. "Wife beaters" are not an adequite form of
32. If we wanted to be on video tape, we`d be a
porn star. NOT your girlfriend.
33. Sensitive guys are great.. but crying more than
we do in a movie just isn't right.
34. Don`t let ex-girlfriends cause drama,
relationships are stressful enough.
35. It takes a special kind of stupid to forget
36. Guys who are good cuddlers = guys who
know how to satisfy a woman.
37. "Fat chicks" have feelings, too.
38. Silent treatment, shoulder shrugs, tears,
yelling, & nasty looks add up to = YOU DiD
39. The exscuse "I can't dance" is unacceptable.
We`ll appreciate the simple fact that you`re trying.
40. Just because a girl doesn`t pick up on the first
ring, doesn`t mean she`s not waiting by the phone.
41. You don`t have to spend alot; if it means alot.
42. Don`t say you love me if you don`t mean it.
43. Don`t lie to us. We will catch you.
44. When the girls get together, we talk about
everything. meaning, my bestfriends know
everything about you.
Thursday, November 24, 2005
::A spell to be used when addressing the birth of a child::
Let your first breath be the
volume of small lemons.
Let your second breath snap
like a sail in strong wind.
Let your third breath howl like a wolf
on the edge of a great mountain.
Let your fourth breath
hoot like an owl.
Let your fifth breath open slowly
like the eye of a wild animal.
Let your sixth breath
rise like the sun.
Let your seventh breath follow
the tide on its way out.
Let your eighth breath
guide it back in.
By Glenn Colquhoun from Playing God
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
lalala!!mass dance rawked
So yup, hurrah to the TAs, councillors and OGL Psst, just look out for the Mighty Ducks aye?
this so made my day=)
found it when i was surfing blogs.
glad to know our hard work has paid off a little.
then again.
i cant agree to the last part due to my UNDYING LOYALTY to VEGA!!
the undisputed champion hse=)
first phone call in like 10 mths?
and it was like 10secs max.
3 1/2yrs of best friend-ship gone like that.
super not worth it.
then again.
it shows how billy's words might come true.
sadness much.
sorry i wasent there for ur bdae celebrations today.
it was council work again.
just like how it always is.
and will always be.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
ideas were super lame.
had a weird dream.
weird thots.
weird random words.
thats y im weird=)
1) Do you have a hot temper?
::not usually
2) Get jealous easily?
::i think yes.
3) What do you do when you're mad?
::try to breathe.dont scream.punch a pillow.drink milk.
4) What's the worst thing you've done when you were mad?
::throwing my hp.across my bed only of cos=)
5) Ever made anyone cry when you were mad? who??
::nope.im highly nice=P
6) Ever physically hurt someone when you were mad?
::i think i hit some guy before.
7) When was the last time you really cried your heart out?
::not since sec 2
8) Ever cried yourself to sleep?
9) Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?
10) Ever cried over the opposite sex?
::hell no.not dependable.
11) Do you cry when you get an injury?
::if it really hurts.
12) Do certain songs make you cry?
::many actually
13) What's the hardest thing you've ever had to go through?
::separations.making promises that i know will be broken.
14) What's the worst thing you've done to yourself?
::failing in my promises.
15) What's the worst thing you've done to somebody else?
::hit them or hurt them with words i suppose.
16) Ever had a painful break up?
::nope.relatively painless.
17) Still virgin?
18)R u a happy person?
::mostly yes.
19)What can make you happy?
::happy ppl.even normal stuffs can make me happy if im on a high=D
20) Do you wish you were happier?
::of cos.one can never be too happy.
21) What makes you the happiest?
::friends.NBC.things in general=)
22) What r u going 2 be when u grow up?
::always wanted to be a lawyer.
23) Can music make you happy?
::happy music can.
24) Do you believe in yourself?
::i'd like to believe so.
25) Are you happy with who you are?
::not really.mayb more confident.
26) Love swimming?
::used to.
27) Do you wish you can be someone else most of the time?
::nope nope.
28) Do u like handsome guys?
::eyecandy only.
29) Who's ur bestfren?
30) Fav colour?
31) What do u think about urself?
32) Got any boyfriend?
33) What kind of guy do u prefer?
::humourous.and who's only nice to me=)
34) Who do u love now?
::mama, papa, sis and MJ darlings.
35) What are ur fav fruits?
::apple seedless grapes honeydew pomelo
36) List out the person that u hate..
::no one actually.
37) Do u smoke?
38) Fav num?
::8 31
39) Prefer bf or frens 2 hang out with when u r free?
40) Lolipop or ice-cream?
- ice cream=)
looks like its been forgotten.
no longer impt.
replaced by testosterone.
highly ironical how it was a consequence of its own actions.
no one to blame, no one to scold, no one to hate.
hate it when im deprived.
begining to see cracks in the newly built wall.
fear of it come crashing down on us is suffocating.
havent been of examplary behaviour lately.
sry those i've pissed off or snapped at.
jhfasdhfiw rhpwnfsdf9284-2cfu99fwer2v34vy 2 mailto:ywebfr89aweq2cm902qudjk$%@#$@$!*%^&&(*878970(*&*(&)*(&*(&()^&$^YRFYTF%^$%^#E$%#%$@#$WD&%#^#$*^GHFJT$
shyte.this sucks
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
ladidah!training over!!
last day of training today!!
finally got to know almost all our 'classmates' le.
rather fun ya.
cant wait to do
OJT tmr=)
a brand new kind of test
starts now.
Monday, November 14, 2005
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Our Greatest Fear
Marianne Williamson from her book A Return to Love
Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate,
but that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us.
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant,
gorgeous, handsome, talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us.
It is not just in some; it is in everyone.
And, as we let our own light shine, we consciously give
other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Quotable quotes
'Why do people say life is short? Life is the longest damn thing you can do!'
'Everyone wants to be the sun, that brightens up your life, but I rather be the moon that shines on you in your darkest hours'
'Dance as though no one is watching you. Love as though you have never been hurt before. Sing as though no one can hear you. Live as though heaven is on earth'
'Dare to dream, dare to fly, dare to be the ever chosen one to touch the sky'
'Life is something that happens when you can't sleep'
'They all stare, but they'll never see it's something inside of me'
which sounds true for u?
"God Gave You 2 Legs To Walk, 2 Hands To Hold, 2 Ears To Hear, 2 Eyes To See... But Why Did He Give You Only One Heart? Because He Gave The Other One To Someone For You To Find."
hUrRaH for all the different kinds of LOVE in the world*smiles*
i'll be
- your bucket to catch those tears should they ever fall
- your last-resort if your date bastards you
- your love doc if ever you need one
- there to share both tears and laughter
- your teddybear to offer you hugs if u need them
- your walls who will listen
- you blanket who will keep you company
- your pit-stop to replenish you for a longer journey
- a big brother, a critic, a mother or a nanny who'll hold your hand and tell you everything is all right
Love may be a large body of water. an ocean even.
But we have each other, and if it gets too deep, Love will fish us out of deep water.
Even if it means jumping in fully clothed.
Friday, November 11, 2005
today was a sucky day.
embarassment: knocked into a wooden pole while walking to burlington square.
and shuyi saw la.
doodoo girl was laughing her head off.
sucky-ness: shit happened.
random-ness:bud i think u passed the test:D
Thursday, November 10, 2005

honhon-'who's the teacher here?'
leaving footprints..

cherio-right back at u
leaving footprints..

abu-singer composer
leaving footprints..

leaving footprints..

ali-messed up
leaving footprints..

lou-flower girl
leaving footprints..

fab-sly crinkle
leaving footprints..

leaving footprints..

lovelove hughug:D
leaving footprints..
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
boo boo rawks
watched 3 movies today=)
fufilment man!!
1]white chicks
-->have been wanting to watch this sure hilariously funny show since..i duno when.
darn nice la.
just regret not having watched it earlier.
might have made my life better then.lol.
2]dirty dancing 2
-->it was just so super nice.
if it was so nice,cant imagine how super nice dirty dancing wld have been:D
euoeuo rented this even tho she had it already.haha!!
3]longest yard
-->started out as what i thought would have been the most boring show of my life.
then turned out to be not bad:D
i miss that cute mano-like guy!!
and that guy who took estrogen.super amusing:P
spending time with friends is just the funnest thing ever.
wished i cld have stayed over.
nvm!!there's always a next time!!
Monday, November 07, 2005
Everyday when you return from your school, whether or not you are from a secondary school, a junior collage, a polytechnic, or ITE, you would probably think that school sucks.
All that work and torture under your lecturer's or teacher's homework or assignments, or tutorials.
But think about this, I mean really think. About all the time spent with your classmates, all the laughter, sorrows, and happiness of knowing that your friends are there in your class.
Now imagine them gone, perhaps part of them, or even all of them. You may not realise it, but when advancing into the next level of education, it is inevitable that some friends will be parting with you.
What is all this? you ask yourself. I ask of you to think what do those people, who were once or are still your classmates and friends, mean to you?
Anyone who has at least finished their O levels and who had graduated from respective schools would know the feeling of parting with your classmates and friends.
Not knowing when you will still see them again. Perhaps the next day, the next week, month, years, or even decade. Perhaps one day, you would realise how bittersweet those memories were, the fun you had with your classmates and friends.
That is why ever so often when you ask someone which is the most fond memories they had in their years in education, they would often have that sadness in their eyes, but yet, they smile briefly.
It's the memories of their school friends. Those unforgettable years of laughter and happiness in school.
Each classmate had suffered under the same stresses in school. The teachers, whether they are kind or extremely strict also do play an important role.
So treasure your schooling days, don't complain, because you never know when you will miss them dearly. And perhaps, shed a tear for those treasured times in your youth.
jOlLy sHaNdY
jolly shandy so rawks my smelly socks.
its yummy lemony taste hides the bitter taste
of what little alcohol there is in the drink.
drank like 3 cans today.
thot that by drinking 3 cans i cld mayb get drunk?
not true!!
realised the concentration will still be the same.
only u up ur chances of getting a beer belly=.=
i just cannot understand y
in some classes there are only 3 girls.
and in mine there are only 4 guys.
granted the guys in the male-dominated class
are not above average in the looks department.
but as it is.
guys in my class really have more charisma than looks.
and i'd say more is better than less any day~
Sunday, November 06, 2005
stranger than strange, more like emily the strange strangler.
boo's becoming more of a stranger.
duno what he wants.
duno what he thinks.
duno what he wants me to do.
u think its better like this?
i trust u man=)
Friday, November 04, 2005
yummy thots
i think im addicted to coffee bean.=)
yummylicious mocha and caramel ice-blended.
u still owe me coffee:D
moosey got scared when he saw the price of the drink.
and he cldnt find the cashier or the pick-up counter.
picture worthy moment:
he stood under the [pick-up] counter sign
and asked us where was the counter.
Just so sweet.
-Just Friends-
by Diane Blue
We enjoy each others company
but for the most part, we avoid it.
We pretend there is nothing there.
We're just friends.
Every time we meet, it's awkward at first.
We check our guard and put up the walls.
We're just friends that's all.
We call each other on the phone,
and always have a good excuse for doing so.
Do friends need an excuse?
You remind me that "We must be careful",
"We can't go there", you say.
The rules have been set,
and we live by them.
We sit and talk for hours,
two sets of blue eyes interlocked
and neither turns away.
I hang on your every word.
Your simple presence in a room,
gives my life a purpose.
Add your voice and a smile,
and I melt away.
The thought of you touching me
makes my body scream out with yearning.
But we're just friends, right?
Why do I feel it's more?
Are we in self-inflicted denial?
Our past hurts have made us so afraid,
We'd rather be lonely than to take that chance again.
I wish I could tell you how I really feel inside.
That I'd be willing to take that chance
To be more than just your friend.
I know you sense this, as I do,
but it's easier to pretend.
Saying it would make it real
and you'd run away and hide from me.
So I'll try and keep the flood gates closed
and be content that you let me be,
Just your friend.
*have been in this kinda predicament before and i know it sucks.
so this is just for friends out there.
just to let u all know im here for u if u ever need me=)*
Thursday, November 03, 2005
n.o.t.i.c.e. t.h.i.s.
on a completely different note:D
im gg to change my blogskin~!=)
i hope i dont get too lazy.
influenced by a certain someone liao.
and if anyone's free at all.
pls pray for me for my OP ok.
hope i dont screw it up and flush all the others' efforts down the drain.
what is loser me doing at hm now?
i shld be out looking at all those families dressed in colour codes.
really cute la.
i once saw a whole family wearing pink.
even the guys!
ta then~
ultimate weirdness:S
had a really weird dream last nite.
my first dream since promos started i think.
i think it was me and two other ppl
we were at this shop.
choosing how we would look like when we died.
this shop was like all black la.
then there were coffins lying arnd.
and there was this showcase filled with specs that we can borrow to take
our orbituary pic.
then we had to eat this pill thing.
where it would 'flush' out all the oxygen in our body so we would die.
it seems like the three of us had been planning to visit this shop since a
long time ago.
bud i kept thinking.
i havent said my goodbyes.
weirdly, i cldnt think of anything else to miss except my family and friends.
not the material possessions i had, or even him.
super happy for that.
but well.
a rather scary dream all in all.
was so freaked out that i cried IRL.
as in when i woke up i was really crying la.
weird weird.
then this feeling of guilt came.
cos i had pulled out at the alst minute whereas it was too late for my
friends to choose to live.
so they died while i lived.
altho it sounds very PW like.
i hope i never have this kinda dreams again.
see la.
see what happens when u choose to sleep early for once.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
games are so therapeautic la.
feeling happy and ultra high now:D
i have and will stop feeling sry for myself:D
feeling super great now.
shall go take some chocs frm the fridge later=)
i love u world!!
ur so pretty and cute and nice and comforting.
and *all the nicest adjectives*
*smilez ppl!!*
nicee song=)
::KISS::beacuse im a girl;)::
I just can`t understand the ways
Of all the men and their mistakes,
You give them all your heart
And then they rip it all away...
You told me how much you loved me,
And how our love was meant to be.
And I believed in you,
I thought that you would set me free...
You should`ve just told me the truth,
That I wasn`t the girl for you...
Still I didn`t have a clue,
So my heart depended on you...Whoah
Although I’ll say `I hate you` now,
Though I’ll shout and curse you out...
I`ll always have love for you,
Because I am a girl.
Been told a man will leave you cold,
Get sick of you and bored...
I know that it`s no lie,
I gave my all still I just cry.
Never again will I be fooled,
To give my all when nothing`s true...
I won`t be played again,
But I will fall in love again...
You should`ve just told me the truth,
That I wasn`t the girl for you...
Still I didn`t have a clue,
So my heart depended on you...Whoah
Although I’ll say `I hate you` now,
Though I’ll shout and curse you out...
I`ll always have love for you,
Because I am a girl.
I loved you so...
Now you leave me in the cold,
How could this be?
I thought that you`d only love me...
Into the night,
I will pray that you`re all right.
You hurt me so,
I just can`t let you go ---
You took advantage of my
To do anything for love.
Now I’m the only one in pain...
Will you please take it all away… Oh
Never thought born being a girl,
How I can love you and be burned...
And now I will build a wall,
To never get torn again.
Although I’ll say `I hate you` now,
Though I’ll shout and curse you out...
I`ll always have love for you,
Because I am a girl.
Although I’ll say `I hate you` now,
Though I’ll shout and curse you out...
I`ll always have love for you,
Because I am… a girl.
*koped this frm haris:D!!
thanks dude!!*
the song that took the sc rm by storm!!
Chorus 1Miya-hee
[These are just sounds.]
Verse 1
Hello [on a cellphone], greetings, it's me, an outlaw,
I ask you, my love, to accept happiness.
Hello, hello, it's me, Picasso,
I sent you a beep [cellphone signal], and I'm brave [or strong],
But you should know that I'm not asking for anything from you.
Chorus 2
You want to leave but you don't want don't want to take me, don't want don't want to take me, don't want don't want don't want to take me.
Your face and the love from the linden trees,
And I remember your eyes.
Verse 2I call you [over the phone], to tell you what I feel right now,
Hello, my love, it's me, your happiness.
Hello, hello, it's me again, Picasso,
I sent you a beep [cellphone signal] and I'm brave [or strong],
But you should know that I'm not asking for anything from you.
Chorus 2
Chorus 1
Chorus 2
i dun wanna put the title of the song cos i dun want u all to be corrupted by it:P
its a translation btw:D
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
*i love u all, really*
promos over.
results out.
some elated.
some crushed and despondent.
others affected and retreat into the protective chamber of denial.
many ppl have asked us to help them appeal to HER.
its at these times that they remember we're here to be their connection to the HEAD.
at other times.
they mostly ignore us or look down upon us cos they think we look down on them.
how izzit possible that we suddenly turn visible in these times of need?
pls understand that we are powerless in situations like this.
not that we had any to begin with.
doubt SHE has actually talked to any of us.
or even bothered to actually know us.
we too have friends in those situations.
we too wish we cld do something abt it.
anything.anything at all that can make them stay by our sides.
but its not possible.
only thing we can do now is beg with them.
or hope for things to be the best.
for final decisions to be in their best interest.
tired of this all.
this portrayed invincibility.
wish i had known more abt what it is before jumping into this.
mentally exhausive shyte.
i'll miss u peeps:..(
i know i'll miss you when u are gone.
what shall i do now i hear u're leaving?
wallow in self-despair?
or find a substitute who i know will never measure up?