Monday, October 31, 2005

i heart u.
leaving footprints..

wishing life had a 'pause' button.and mayb a 'recap' button too?
leaving footprints..

qwe-en oh-f ha-arts
leaving footprints..

leaving footprints..
Sunday, October 30, 2005
know why im typing in chinese?
cos its the mt As tmr.
and i didnt study for it at all.
i shldnt be so calm.
bud yet i am.
cos im not confused anymore:D
learnt to take things as they come.
thnx for all the great friends i have:D
my dahlings and my inspirations.
i-heart-u lots=)
Thursday, October 27, 2005
like an arrow through the heart.
thanks my friend.
u were supposed to be on my side.
i thot u were the only one left.
seems i was wrong.
there's none left standing on the same line as me.
i am my last defence.
tears are like crystals that adorn the face.
our first adversity.
will we come out in ruins,
or will we emerge victorious?
only time will tell.
just as it is for other things as well.
no use exerting pressure.
things might just spiral out of control in a second.
so afraid.
im so sorry.
i should have been there:(
when a butterfly flaps its wings in Asia, Europe catches a cold.
*muacks and huggies*
l love u
u love me
we're just like how
good friends should be.
with a great big hug
and a kiss from me to u.
wont u say u love it too?;D
im in a happy mood today.
<3 everyone:D
i miss them.
and the times we had:)
not sure if u are refering to me.
bud if u are.
just wanna let u know.
u two being together is something that im happy about:D
believe me ok=)
Sunday, October 23, 2005
i see ur hand in hers.
and its not as tho im still hung up over u.
cos u two are nice ppl and deserve to be together.
bud this sour feeling just keeps spilling over.
i wanna not listen to any news about u two.
yet i wanna know wads going on.
yes i know.they raided my life last decade.
::Got the following from Friendster::
I'm the guy who will text you every
single morning and tell you good
morning and every single night to tell
you sweet dreams.
I'm the guy who will text you and tell
you "i love you and you make me smile"
just because it's true.
I'm the guy who will blindfold you and
take you to the beach, let you run your
toes through the sand and then make you
guess where we are.
I'm the guy who will show up at your
games (or competitions or meets) without
you knowing just to surprise you.
I'm the guy who will hold you when you
are crying and wipe away your tears.
I'm the guy who still thinks that you're
beautiful even without makeup but
instead, in sweat and a big t-shirt.
I'm the guy who won't pressure you to do
things you dont want to.
I'm the guy who will show up at your
house with soup and a movie when you
aren't feeling well.
I'm the guy who kisses you on the
I'm the guy who doesnt kiss and tell.
I'm the guy who actually listens to you
when you talk.
I'm the guy who's excited all day because
i'm looking forward to our date that night.
I'm the guy who is contented to just be
able to hold you and wants nothing more.
I'm the guy who can't help but smile
when you walk into the room.
I'm the guy whos perfectly happy with
staying in and watching movies and
I'm the guy who won't lie to you about
where he's going or where he's been or
who he's been with.
I'm the guy who gets butterflies when he
hears your name.
I'm the guy who picks you over his friends.
I'm the guy who's not afraid to tell his
friends he loves you.
I'm the guy that isn't afraid to tell you he
loves you.
I'm the guy who isn't always trying to act
like a hard ass around you.
I'm the guy that will tell you how i feel.
I'm the guy who doesn't care about your
imperfections and loves you more for
I'm the guy who will hold you while we
watch the sunset.
and u are the guy who exists only in my dreams.
those very very good ones that only occur only once a yr.
cos im too afraid to even dream of something so perfect and impossible.
cos humans have failings.
one of those mindless ones again.
name someone with the same birthday as you.
have u ever seriously vandalised someone else's
drew on the table in sec sch.
have you ever hit someone of the opposite sex?
no way.
have u ever sang infront of a large number of
yeap.and totally wished there was a hole in the ground.
what is the first thing u notice about the opposite
or same sex?
guys - eyes
girls - hair
what is your biggest mistake?
losing faith in times of adversity.
have you ever hurt yourself on purpose?
say something totally random about you.
im random.
has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows? a still a kid in many ways than one.
did you have braces?
nope.bud they kinda look cool;)
are you comfortable with your height? short la.i wanna be MUCH taller.
do you speak any other languages?
have you ever been to a tanning salon?
what magazine do you read?
have you ridden in a limo?
no.i hope to tho.mayb they can rent one for the SC girls to go to prom HOPE!!
has anyone u were really close with passed away?
do you watch mtv?
i dun have cable!!T_T
what's something that really annoys you?
my 'best' friends.
what's something you really like?
do you like michael jackson?
used to, wwaayy back when i was an impressionable teen.
can you dance?
haa.i duno.
what's the latest you have ever stayed up?
nv slp at all.
have u ever thought that u were honestly going to
have u ever been rushed by an ambulance into
the emergency room?
dun think so.sadly.
do u actually read these when other people fill
them out?
will scan thru when i delete to enter my own answers.
who do u miss most now?
the spirit of tkgs.

palm tree resort:D
leaving footprints..

just wanna be one of those air bubbles
leaving footprints..

Q of HeArTs=)
leaving footprints..
*question marks
is it the emptiness my stomach feels from the lack of food
or is it the feeling of foreboding of letting my heart rule over logic?
pings of emo-ism.
sometimes i get the feeling that ppl talk to me so that they can listen to someone agree to their views.
then if i didnt, they'd ignore me or go offline.
mayb its just the purpose that i serve online.
what someone said today was rite.
far too early and far too confusing and complicated for me to comprehend.
like a labryinth that has no exit.
captivating but deadly.
just waiting to see if u'll come back or if u are just playing.=)
Thursday, October 20, 2005
reflections.who i am really.
since i returned early from h******* today.
decided to sit myself down and do a little self reflection.
thinking abt my
obsession and my
old self.
my life and my old self kinda link up.
realised im a different person frm who i was when i wasent yet corrupted by the complicatedness of the world.
i admit im more independent now.
bud also made more timid by influences.
self esteem as low as it can go.
clearly lack confidence.
happy positive vibe gone.
wads happening to me?
its like falling into a bottomless pit tied to a stone.
my only salvation.
laughing at things that amuse me.
if not to make me happy for a mere nanosecond,
then to brighten the world of those arnd me for that same amt of time.
my friends.
they are like the fuel to the flame burning inside of me.
without them i would just serve purpose as a mere empty shell.
Sec sch pals, sookie, sc peeps, classmates.
without u life would not be worthwhile.
True Love Never Alters
Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments. Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove:
O no! it is an ever-fixed mark
That looks on tempests and is never shaken;
It is the star to every wandering bark,
Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.
Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle's compass come:
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
But bears it out even to the edge of doom.
If this be error and upon me proved,
I never writ, nor no man ever loved.
sch had never been or seemed so bleak.
all the joys and exhillaration i felt during those happy times.
all gone.
only appearing in small pockets of time.
when my friends are able to pry a sincere smile frm this reluctant grimace.
i feel like i disappointed everyone.
especially NC.
had so much faith in me.
bothered to encourage me.
was understanding abt those additional pressure.
up till now has not displayed any obvious sign of his disappointment.
i guess i really let him down.
im not proud of it.
bud the least i can do is to admit it.
i realised i cant imagine a time without u now.
not now that im so used to ur pressence.
i wish i kept up that icy wall that tho was cold and lonely, could protect me.
regret that i had not stopped myself before things have come to this pass.
devastated represents how i will be like once u walk out that exit.
bud i take comfort in knowing its all for our own good.
and u'll be happy.
all i ask is that we keep in contact.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
穿上洋装 看著手表 时间快到心碰碰的跳 和你的第一次约会来临了
金色的阳光洒满人行道 换了新唇膏把头发弄好 要你看到我的好
喜欢看你走路充满自信 说话时候你的专注眼神
温柔的表情笑容里的天真 我相信
找不到有比你更好的人 你心里理想情人是几分 是否也会有我的份
好想知道 你的一百分会给怎样的人
亲爱的你 不要再陌生 增加我戏份
我想问亲爱的你 把感情升等 朋友变成情人
可不可以告诉我标准 不要让我一直等
听著那时间滴答的走 对街的你在点头
好像一个梦 渐渐 走到我前头
super dee duper:D
im giving up soon:D
You are the only one who's air she'd breath,
and you are the only one who has the key.
The tool to unlock her tight clasped heart,
to fufil all her wishes and all her heartfelt dreams.
What were u thinking,
When u just assumed that everything would be alright?
How did u expect things to turn out when u ignore her,
like she's just a passing light?
Isn't she lovely,
Isn't she wonderful?
Why didn't u cherish her?
Now everything's just too late.
Super Trouper beams are gonna blind me,
But I won't feel blue.
Like I always do,
'Cause somewhere in the crowd there's you.
im just so tempted to post that super delicious pic of him here.
m-m-u-u-s-s-t-t c.o.n.t.r.o.l!!
Monday, October 17, 2005
places i wanna go..
i wanna go to all the beautiful place in the world to take pics.
shanghai [pretty city lights]
LA [its flash flash bling bling]
japan [superb landscapes]
down under [clear, transparent water]
to be continued.
belief and hope.
Beliving in something is better than hoping for something to happen.
i think he's a boyish kinda way;)
why women shld be admired.
By the time the Lord made woman, He had been
working six days straight. He
was very tired. An angel appeared before Him
and said,
"Lord, why are you spending so much
time on this one?"
The Lord answered, "Have you seen the spec
sheet on her?
She has to be water-proof, but not plastic or hard.
She must have over 200 movableparts, all replaceable and be able to run on diet Coke and leftovers.
She must have a lap that can hold at least four children at a time, a kiss that
can cure anything from a scraped knee to a broken heart, and she must be able to talk on the telephone, cook, scold a child and pet the dog all at the same time with only two hands.
The angel was astounded. "No way! Only two hands!"
"Yes," the Lord said. "And that's just the standard model."
"Lord, that is too much work for you. Wait until tomorrow. You can finish up then."
The Lord protested."I am too close to finishing this creation that is so close to my
heart. She can already heal herself and work 18 hours a day.I'm just about done."
The angel moved in for a closer look and touched the woman.
"Lord, you've made her so soft."
"Yes, she is soft." the Lord agreed. "But she is also tough! You have no idea what she can do, endure, or accomplish."
"Will she be able to think, too?" the angel asked.
The Lord replied, "Not only will she be able to think; she will be able to pray, reason, meditate and negotiate."
The angel noticed something and reached out to touch the woman's cheek. "Oops! You've put so much in her, she is starting to leak, Lord. I told you, you were putting too much in this one."
"That's not a leak, that's a tear."
"What's that for?" the angel inquired.
The Lord whispered, "Her tears are the way she will express her joy, her sorrow, her pain, her disappointment, her love, her loneliness, her grief and her pride. It is a symbol of her heart."
The angel was impressed. "You are a genius, Lord. You've thought of everything. This woman you are making is truly amazing, is she not?"
With all the pride of a brand-new father, the Lord said, "Oh yes she is! Women have strengths that will amaze men."
"They bear hardships and carry burdens, but they will, at the same time, hold happiness, love and joy.
They will smile when they want to scream,sing when they want to cry.
They cry when they are happy and laugh when they are nervous.
They fight for those they love and all that they believe in.
They stand up for injustice and remain seated in humility.
They will not take no for an answer when they know there is a better way.
They will go without so that their family,particularly the children can have what they need.
They will go to the doctor with a frightened friend.
They will go to court with a wayward husband.
They love unconditionally often,asking for and taking little in return.
They cry when their children excel and cheer when their friends are rewarded.
They are happy to hear about a birth, knowing the difficulties that may lie ahead.
They cheer because they will help a friend through it all.
Their hearts break when someone dies yet, they are strong when others may think
there is no strength left.
They know that a hug and a kiss can heal a broken heart and, they will offer them to anyone who needs one.
They come in all sizes, shapes and colors.
They can walk, run, fly, drive or e-mail to remind you that they love you.
It is the heart of a woman that will keep the world turning and things in order.
They have the babies because men could never figure out how to put so much in such a small space.
Women bring hope and joy.
They bring compassion and ideals.
They are the moral support that keeps the family of humanity together.
Women have important things to say and even more important things to do.
They ask very little and offer all they have except for their one flaw."
"What flaw?"asked the angel.
Sadly, the Lord responded,
"They seem to always forget their worth."
tissue sucks.still.
the word tiggerith on ur lips is just like poison emitting a foul smell.
result=sudden death.
Friday, October 14, 2005
emancipation.i hope.
just realised that everything i ever held close to my heart.
the memories that i wld die for.
are just forgetable minutes of ur life.
if so.
i realise i have been living a lie.
this sucks.
goes the memories down the horrible, sewage pipe.
the art of missing isnt hard to master.
Have u ever missed someone and felt
because u think that he/she doesn't miss u?
Missing someone is a terrible but at the
same time,a sweet feeling.
U will be sitting around wondering if u
meant anything to him/her.
Thinking if he/she ever cares about u.
Rushing to the phone once it rings
hoping that it's him/her.
Looking out of the window hoping that
he/she will
surprise u by appearing downstairs.
Sitting in front of the television but
thinking of him
missing the final episode of your
favourite show.
Laying on your bed, thinking of the last
time u went out together.
Thinking of how nice it will be to sit
under the stars again,
talking about everything, your dreams,
plans, future.
Logging on to the internet hoping to see
him/her online.
When u realise that he/she isn't online
and did not return your page,
u will start worrying if he/she is
Missing someone is a way of growing up i
It exposes u to loneliness.
It teaches u how to cope with being
lonely and let u
know that there is actually a feeling
known as emptiness.
Sometimes it feels good to miss someone.
U know that u really care and u indulge
in the feeling of loving/caring for him/her.
But missing someone and not knowing if
he/she is feeling the same is terrible.
U feel as if u are being left alone.
So if u miss someone, tell him/her and
let them know.
At the same time, ask if they miss u.
Don't let the feeling of missing someone
become jealousy or paranoid.
If u are the one being missed and u know
it, let the other party know.
if u miss him/her too, tell them.
Don't let them wait.
lala.i hope econs i can get A level pass...
today was gg thru econs and mt papers day.
mr aaron said something today.
[tears forbid my tongue]
so bloody lit la.
me and abby came to the same conclusion together sia.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
another nice chi-na song:D
(男)半夜睡不著覺 把心情哼成歌 只好到屋頂找另一個夢境
(女)睡夢中被敲醒 我還是不確定 怎會有動人弦律在對面的屋頂
我悄悄關上門 帶著希望上去 原來是我夢裡常出現的那個人
(男)那個人不就是我夢裡那模糊的人 我們有同樣的默契
(男)用天線 排成愛你的形狀 Ho?Ho?
(女) 用天線 排成愛妳的形狀 Ho?Ho?
(女)在屋頂唱著你的歌 讓星星點綴成最浪漫的夜晚
(男) 在屋頂和我愛的人 最浪漫的夜晚
(合)擁抱這時刻 這一分一秒全都停止(男)愛開始糾結
(女)在屋頂唱著你的歌 將泛黃的夜獻給最孤獨的月
(男) 在屋頂和我愛的人 獻給最孤獨的月
(合)擁抱這時刻 這一分一秒全都停止(男)愛開始糾結
repeat **
(女)讓我愛你是誰 讓你愛我是誰 怎會有動人弦律環繞在我倆的身邊
(男) 是我? 是妳? 動人弦律環繞在我倆的身邊
(女)讓我愛你是誰 讓你愛我是誰 原來是這屋頂有美麗的邂逅
(男) 是我? 是妳? 這屋頂有美麗的邂逅

kool kat.just like a mat.
leaving footprints..

semi dark:: the three stages of my life::
leaving footprints..

haha~~im so glad i took a pic before it got wiped off the face of the earth...
leaving footprints..

i forgot where i got it pls come and claim ur copyright..
leaving footprints..!!what a scary tulip!!lol..
leaving footprints..

GO MIRANDA!!woohoo~!!
leaving footprints..

scandal ah!!!..rite..tkg and rg..
leaving footprints..

the weird photog on phototaking day..
leaving footprints..
Saturday, October 08, 2005
cos the title got too long.
happii or sad::more towards happy..
awake or sleepy::awake la..duh...
hungry or full::hungry...
dirty or clean::clean..
single or taken::single la..
alone or with someone beside::alone...
sick or healthy::healthy, bud with sorethroat...
euu laz ate::nth...
euu laz drank::water..its my life..
euu wearing now::PJ..
are euu tinkin of::when will promos end:(
euu wishing of::wish i cld tell him i miss him..
do euu miss most::him lo....
do euu lurbe:: friends and family..
do euu feel most happi witt::ppl i usually hang
makes euu laugh::MIA.
makes euu sleep::marilyn..whos weird and scary..
makes euu cry::doctor and him..
makes euu angree::my 'best friend'
ill-treats euu::myself..
iis eur burdae::30081988
iis eur loved ones burdae::****1988
iis eur sis burdae::18101986
iis eur wedding anniversary::i duno..
diid euu laz swear::that time when my com kena
diid euu laz hab a fight::internal strife la..within
mysef..5mins ago..
diid euu laz cry::yesterday..
do euu break off witt someone::msg..cos im a
do euu overcome depression::comfort food and
talking to ppl i like..
do euu live eur lyfe::as it comes....
do euu pass eur tyme::stoning mostly....
do euu pass eur exams::mug and mug and mug,
do euu normally gert angree::irritating ppl.. when i
din do hw..
do euu crii::pity..sadness..remorse..
r euu huu euu r::cos..God decided to make me so..
r euu doin tis survey:::P
+fun-ness shld stop when i get kicked out of sch and never see u again.+
lalalalalalalalalala elmo i love u:D
1. Are you good at hiding your feelings?
* sometimes yes sometimes no.
2. How can we tell that you're already irritated?
* when i msg with a fullstop at the end of my
sentences..or when im really quiet.
3. How do you treat the person that
obviously doesn't like you?
* ignore her/him.cos they obviously dont matter to
4.What usually ruins your mood?
* hw.late nights in 'best friend'
5. Who do you see everyday that you wish you
just wouldn't at all?
* my 'best friend'
6. When was the last time that you had a
good cry?
* yesterday.catalyst: udolpho.
7. How often do you shop for clothes?
* when im freed frm studying..
* when i get the urge..haha//
* all the time.window shop only tho..
8. Who's your long-time crush?
* [due to some miss understandings, this answer has been removed.]
9. Someone you just had a crush on?
* nah ge ren lorh.
10. Do you have something that you wish
you just don't have?
11. Do you sometimes crave for something that
isn't there?
* of cos..thats called a want..unsatiable..
12. Do you wish to live in a faraway land where
nobody knows you?
* yes..preferably as a
13. Have you kissed a total stranger?
* nope..
14. What do you want to do at this very
* get promoted!
15. Your worst feelings?
* confusion..and regret.
16. How about the best?
* high:D
17. Ever given your number to someone
you dislike?
* not i give one..
18. Who reads this:
* ppl who are super bored..
19. Have you said i love you and meant it?
* yes..if im willing to say it means i mean it wad.
20. What are you going to do now?
*do another survey thingie and then slp..:P
blogging is therepeutic la!!
-name 2o ppl u know-
1) shufen
2) alice
3) sarah
4) ali
5) pal
6) mus
7) jo
8) sheena
9) hoi
10) xni
11) adrian
12) bryan
13) ibz
14) cheryl
15) liane
16) ks
17) stuck
18) shaz
19) lichen
20) azhar
-How did you meet 13?:
-- ibz.fellow sc nominee and sc mate now:D
-What would you do if you never met 5?:
-- pal.i wld never have known a
-What do you honestly think of 10?:
--xni. she's kinda gentle looking bud she's really not.
-Have you ever liked no.3?:
-- sarah.of cos.bud in a straight way.
-If 1 died tomorrow, what is one thing that youwould like to do?:
--sf. cry my eyes out and lock myself in the rm.
-Would 2 and 11 make a good couple?:
-- al and adrian.haha.i guess its coincidence that they're of different sexes.never thought of it but they
-Do you think 12 is hot?:
-- as in 'omg, he's got muscles' hot?then ya.
-Would 1 and 17 make a lovely couple?:
-- haha.sf and stuck.interesting combi.
-Tell me something about 11:
--adrian. we were mad vega OGLs:D
-Do you know any of 3's family members?:
-- sarah.her dog:D lol.
-On a scale of 1-10 how cute is 14?:
-- cheryl. 8 lorh..cuteness galore..
-What would you do if 4 just professed theirundying love for you:
-- ali.stare in shock..
-What language does 19 speak?:
-- lichen.eng, chi..i think.
-Who is 8 going out with?:
--sheena. no the
-Would 18 and 5 make a good couple?:
-- shaz and pal.haha.i think no.cos probably no common topic.
-When was the last time you talked to 6?:
--mus. abt 20 mins ago.msn.
-What is 18's favorite band?:
--shaz.i have no shaz..
-Does 4 have any siblings?:
--ali. yeap..
-Would you ever date 1?:
-- sf. just cos she's a girl.
-Would you ever date 7?:
-- doubt she wld wanna date me
-Is 15 single?:
-- liane.yea.i think.or mayb with!
-what is 19s last name?:
-- li chinese names.
-What is 3's middle name?:
-- sarah.pretty la!
-What is 10's fantasy?:
-- xni.i live in a gothic world.haha.seems so.
-Wud 14 and 19 make a good couple?:
-- cheryl and are straight.
-What school does 16 go to?:
-- ks.mjc:D
-What school does 1 go to?:
-Where does 9 live?:
-- hoi.maryland park.
-Would you make out with 11?:
-Are 5 and 6 best friends? :
-- mus and pal.yea.can say so.
-Is 20 older than you?:
--azhar. i dont think so.
-is 4 the sexiest bitch alive?:
-is 15 your ex?:
-do you ever see yourself with 12 and 18?:
-- bryan and sch?
- how is 2 like?:
-- alice.bestie.pale.tall.thin.short hair.basically everything im not.haha.i wonder why.
- what do you think of 1 - 20?:
-- they are the ones who make my life bearable and without any of them i wld just die.
Who is the one?
whom u're not sensitive to.who has seemed to lost herself after first three mths.who's unable to find back her happiness from the past.who had her utopian bubble bursted at sec two.who was forced to grow up then too.who allows herself to accept ur lies again and again knowing that she's just lying to herself.who gives trust unlimitlessly and without restraint.who will give any excuse to watch a sappy show and cry just cos she doesnt want to be called a weakling.who is weak willed.[not you]whose happiness lies in the hands of someone who probably doesnt give a shit.that likes dogs,tiggers,sappy shows and long eyelashes.who gets hurt easily but portray a heck-care attitude.who once she hates a person.he shall rot in hell.[eg.'best' friend]who's getting just sick and tired of playing along with ur games.who is curious abt life after death.who has contemplated what the ideal suicide would be like.who gets intensely happy when u bother but who also knows that u are probably joking around or doing it just cos u have too.who loves ur eyes.who's afraid of loss/darkness/u.who will be taking a long time to look at u in the same way again.who hates ur pity.who still cannot properly let go.but who tries her darnest to.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
sweet n nice.english translation mayb later..
wanna translate go
on second thought.
dont.its crap la.
the english translation doesnt even make sense.
The leaf likes the tree, the tree also likes the leaf, but does not open the mouth to pursue. Then, the wind continuously all likes the leaf, continuously in pursue leaf. Finally, the leaf cannot wait for the tree, thereupon meets 受风. This time tree only then lets the leaf know he likes her, but all already too late.
like wth?!
stupid blogger got problem.
ze zruth abouz girlz
- gossip isnt a sin. its an art.
so master it
- we arent ashamed to cry.
it clears ur tear ducts.really.
- we must go to the bathroom in groups.
toilets are haunted.
- we have this thing called feelings.
dont hurt them. - we dont wake up looking pretty.
it takes time and effort.
- sometimes is just never quite enough.
- we need girls nights OFTEN.
cos they're funFunFUN~!- we hold grudges and we never forget the things you said that hurt us.
we're kinda like elephants in that aspect.
- it doesnt matter who dumped who or why. but whenever we see an ex with another girl, it ALWAYS bothers us. not because were not over you, but because we know we used to be that girl.
so true so true.- makeup can hide many things, like puffy eyes from crying to huge scars from a broken heart.
thats why they're a girl's second bestie:D- never ever ask a girl how heavy she weighs; or imply anything about her weight for being too much or too little.
JUST DON'T DO IT ! - never ask a girl if she's being bitchy due to PMS.cause other things annoy us.
DUHH.- as much as we say we don't like u...we do.
not true.especially if it happens to be my 'Best Friend' reading this.we hate u.really.- girls notice EVERY LITTLE SINGLE THING so be careful what you say and do.
yeap.the elephant concept again.
- our eyes are located in our heads. not our chest or butt. when you're not looking in our eyes, WE KN0W.
and we DONT like it.- we'll get a feeling in our gut when things are wrong.
a girl's trusty sixth sense:D- most of the time we make ourselves like a fool to trust in everyword you say even if we know that you lie and that REALLY hurt us !!
y cant guys not lie for once?
(( if u think we girls are dumb , you're
WRONG! we know more things than u thought we know just that we never say.))