Sunday, July 31, 2005
u're the apple of my eye.
Twinkle twinkle little star,
How I wonder what you are,
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky,
Star light,
Star bright,
The first star I see tonight,
I wish I may, I wish I might,
Have the wish I wish tonight
Twinkle twinkle little star,
How I wonder what you are,
I have so many wishes to make,
But most of all is what I state,
So just one girl
That I've been dreaming of,
I wish that I could have all her love,
I wish I may, I wish I might,
Have the dream I dream tonight
Ooo baby
Twinkle twinkle little star,
How I wonder what you are,
I want a girl who'll be all mine,
And wants to say that I'm her guy,
Someone sweet that's for sure,
I want to be the guy she's looking for,
I wish I may, I wish I might,
Have the girl I wish tonight
Ooo baby
Twinkle twinkle little star,
How I wonder what you are,
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky,
Star light,
Star bright,
The first star I see tonight,
I wish I may, I wish I might,
Have the wish I wish tonight.
i cant take it.
i cant lose this.
its too costly a price to pay.
whats this shit that im taking?!
At times I'd like to break you and drive you to your knees
At times I'd like to break through and hold you endlessly
At times I understand you and I know how hard you've tried
I've watch while love commands you
and I've watched love pass you by
At times I think we're drifters, still searching for a friend
A brother or a sister, but then the passion flares again
trying to control thine heartbeat is harder than thou thinkest.
all of us shld have a microphone connected to our heart.
ehh-mo is correct.and englandfied.
so there.
i can feel a heart attack.

first street!!wow!! @.@ [stands in awe]
be snapped!!

be snapped!!

under the shady co-co-nut treeee~~~~ c-o-c-o-n-u-t coco-nut=]
be snapped!!

heart-cow drink heart-water equals to heart-milk:D
be snapped!!

whooa!!zhiz iz ze phone zat iz zo magnifizent!!
be snapped!!
Saturday, July 30, 2005
sUmMeR nIgHtS=]
Summer lovin', had me a blast
Summer lovin', happened so fast
Met a girl crazy for me
Met a boy cute as can be
Summer days drifting away
To, uh oh, those summer nights
Well-a, well-a, well-a, uh!
Tell me more, tell me more
Did you get very far?
Tell me more, tell me more
Like does he have a car?
She swam by me, she got a cramp
He ran by me, got my suit damp
Saved her life, she nearly drowned
He showed off splashing around
Summer sun, something's begun
But, uh oh, those summer nights
Well-a, well-a, well-a, uh!
Tell me more, tell me more
Was it love at first sight?
Tell me more, tell me more
Did she put up a fight?
Took her bowling in the arcade
We went strolling; drank lemonade
We made out under the dock
We stayed out till ten o'clock
Summer fling don't mean a thing
But, uh oh, those summer nights
Tell me more, tell me more
But you don't gotta brag
Tell me more, tell me more
'Cause he sounds like a drag
He got friendly holding my hand
Well, she got friendly down in the sand
He was sweet, just turned eighteen
Well, she was good, you know what I mean
Summer heat, boy and girl meet
But, uh oh, those summer nights
Tell me more, tell me more
How much dough did he spend?
Tell me more, tell me more
Could she get me a friend?
It turned colder; that's where it ends
So I told her we'd still be friends
Then we made our true love vow
Wonder what she's doin' now
Summer dreams ripped at the seams
But, oh, those summer nights
nice song!!
contributed by my dearest jukebox:D
thnx man..
ze conzenuazion of ze nicknamez.
AVM-anthony.[cos it really captures her character and anthony is a nice name:D]
Azlyn-az.[cute, spunky and sweet.just like her=)]
Anting-tingting.[she has this way of attracting attention with her oh-so-big those service bells that go TINGtingTING!!]
Baizura-bai.[catchy and easy to remember.haha]
Cindy-deedee.[she kindof reminds me of deedee in dexter's lab.both so cute:D]
Adeline-dancing queen.[she emits this aura that renders u powerless to her superb dancing skills.power la!]
Yong Ying-y-squared.[quite obvious y rite?]
Cheryl-deary.[cos shes always so kind and comforting.]
Ibrizah-ali-bri[arab expressway!!woohoo~~]
Kimberly-kimmy.[befitting of a superenthu and fun person:)]
Shu Yi-lorry.[cos im van and she tried to trick]
Joyce-joycee!['ee' to emphasise excitement which is what she portrays whenever i see her:D.dont for get the '!'.]
Louelle-lou.[rich rgs girl.heh.]
Alvin-smarty.[best grades in the council man.*jealous*]
Pang Ker-the tall one.[he kindof reminds me of MIB.bud i've never seen him in black]
Kenneth-kenny.[not the one in south park.super gd at guitar.]
Fabian-fabio.[cos he's all performing arts.crazy abt band.]
Inderpal-pal.[cos he's everyone's pal! so lame.]
Ali-billy.[cos stuck ever since gladys.]
Sian Wei-the vega-zosma ogl.[cos he was a double agent.who never got found]
Friday, July 29, 2005

i loveeee uuuuu honey bear.will u loveeee meeee tooooo??
be snapped!!

my shiny scorpie:D..i miss u much..
be snapped!!

i might have fallen aslp on the guitar i was a tiring day for all of us..nites sarah:D
be snapped!!

the lighting is darn nice.pls ignore the blemish.
be snapped!!

the third council!!!plus 3 of the first council:D..good things come in threes:D..dont u agree!!
be snapped!!

me and my dAhLiNg=]
be snapped!!

the rockers that we are!!whee!!=)
be snapped!!

yummy!!thanks lou:D!!
be snapped!!

like a match made in heaven, non?
be snapped!!

one of the rare pics where ali is not in the background and where everyone looks happy enough:D
be snapped!!
we're ONE IN A MILLION!!:D*love ya lots*
You're one in a million
You're one in a million
Sometimes love can hit you everyday
Sometimes you can fall for everyone you see
But only one can really make me stay
A sign from the sky said to me
You're one in a million
You're once in a lifetime
You made me discover
One of the stars above us
You're one in a million
You're once in a lifetime
You made me discover
One of the stars above us
I've been looking for that special one
And I've been searching for someone to give my love
When I thought that all the hope was gone
A smile there you were and I was gone
I always will remember how I felt that day
A feelin' indescribable to me
I always knew there was an answer for my prayer
And you, you're the one, the one for me
You're one in a million
You're once in a lifetime
You made me discover
One of the stars above us
You're one in a million
You're once in a lifetime
You made me discover
One of the stars above us
You're one in a million
You're once in a lifetime
You made me discover
One of the stars above us
You're one in a million
You're once in a lifetime
You made me discover
One of the stars above us
In the beginning I was cool and everything was possible
They tried to catch me but it was impossible
No one could hurt me it was my game
Until I met you baby and you were the same
And when you didn't want me I wanted you because
The funny thing about it is I liked the show
I like it when it's difficult
I like it when it's hard
Then you know it's worth it
That you found your heart
You're one in a million
You're once in a lifetime
You made me discover
One of the stars above us
You're one in a million
You're once in a lifetime
You made me discover
One of the stars above us
You're one in a million
You're once in a lifetime
You made me discover
One of the stars above us
You're one in a million
You're once in a lifetime
You made me discover
One of the stars above us
You're one in a million
You're one in a million
walk in song..
i'll never forget u:D
m enjoying myself rather much in sc now.
i noe im neglecting some aspects of my life.
i'll try my darndest to balance them.
bud if i cant.
pls dont blame me.
i try to blog abt smart and interesting things.
bud realised that they are so not me.
so i deleted it.
have decided to remain an ehh-mo chink.
i think thats a rather cute term tho its supposed to be rude.
I need a soldier
That ain't scared to stand up for me
Known to carry big things if yah know what I mean
If yah status ain't hood
I ain't checkin' for them
Betta be street if he lookin' at me
I need a soldier
That ain't scared to stand up for me
Got to know to get dough and he betta be street
without guy problems i suppose i can concentrate more during lit lessons:D
nicknames for the council
mus- abu.[cos some ppl thought he lookedlike aladdin bud i think he looks more like the monkey]
joanne-jojo:D.[just cos its a nice nick and she's nice:D]
haris-CO.[cos his voice is always permanently the CO type of if he suddenly speaks out of the blue u'd get a shock and think ur CO-frm-hell has tracked u down to mj.*shudder*]
sarah-ah-rah.or sarah werah.[it cld be because i think theres a nice ring to that.or it cld be that im just weird.sry sarah.:D]
wenjian-jian.or head.or tou.[personally i think i wld prefer head or tou cos when u shout for him using 'jian' it sorof sounds like u're scolding him?]
to be continued.....[quote:weighing scale]
Thursday, July 21, 2005
wad only.
i fail to really treasure u till u're out of my grasp.
izzit ee-mo or eh-mo?
thot it was eh-mo.
ee-mo sounds a little chi-na!
and im such an england person that i refuse to seem chi-na.
tmr is last day of the week.
=results slip day.
=dooms day.
=day i din do tutorials.
hindsight is an asset.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005

unidad!!i love u:D
be snapped!!

tools for bloody torture of poor feet!!burn in fire!!
be snapped!!

GeT MiLk!!
be snapped!!
so i cursed.
im currently hooked on the songs in the CD that pal™ burned.
u're nice.[most of the time.not when u were explaining]
stock check was really tedious today.
sapped up all my mental energy.
sorry if i shouted at anyone or seemed really pissed.
its those bloody ppl who take blazers and take a million yrs to return who piss me off.
went to magic wok for dinner again.
then it striked me that i probably would never have gone into magic wok if billy and abu din introduce it to me in the first place.
cos it looks like small and budget.
bud the food is good!!
especially the pineapple rice+chicken floss[remember to ask for extras!!], honey chicken and some say belachan fried rice!!
of cos.
since i only tried these dishes it is all that i can recommend.
bud everyone shld try eating there at least once!!
like superbly nice:D
then i bought a pretty pair of earings!
haha.happy happy:Dam trying to make myself spend less time in the council rm.bud i cant.i think im too addicted to bees are attracted to flowers and peas are attracted to the pod.cos i have happy memories there and thats the only place that i dont feel stress being in.bud now i guess everything is to change.there wont be a nice healthy mental place for my soul anymore.gah.*shrieks*
inderpal, anthony: we SHALL get our hip-hop jelly one day!!
briz: jia you jia you![ask a chi-na person to explain this:)]
billy: thnx for helping with 'stuff'
vega peeps: i-heart-you.more than u'd ever know.
we shall all be good friends rite?
pls say yes.
my heart's already broken.
pls dont ask it to die.
what the fuck.u just pissed me off.
cant stand u with ur condecending tone as if im of a lower standing than ur oh-so-esteemed self.
bugger off!!
Sunday, July 17, 2005

be snapped!!
stupid ****** stfu.
the world deserves better ppl who dont go stalking ppl.
it is so darn freaky can?
everytime i set a time to go.
u'd appear just one minute before the stipulated time.
its just so weird its freaking me out.
is it fate?
im trying hard to go against it.
nice song=)
anyone who manages to find a free version to download please tell me.
The Vandals
summer lovin' had me a blast
summer lovin' happened so fast
met some girl, crazy for me
met a guy, cute as can be
summer days drifted away
to oh, the summer nights
tell me more,was this texas or france?
tell me more,did you get in her pants?
went to her place,got in her blouse
while the roadies
demolished her house
watched her cable, stole her tv
she did my band
just the way she did me
summer hoes open their does
then get grounded
for the rest of their life
tell me more,did her parents come home?
tell me more,did you call nome on her phone?
in gay paris the girls are so chic
they don't talk english
so they last a whole week
german foxes,way too much hair
put that wall back
so that they stay there
here's my adress
come stay with me
too bad you can't afford
to come overseas
tell me more,did you make true love vows?
tell me more,what if she finds your house?
i got sober that's where it ends
so i told her
we'd still be friends
she was cool,but just like the rest
i had to leave her
with a phony address"
of course i live there,
i love you, you fox"(your welcome anytime
at my p.o. box)
san francisco, our closing night
thought he'd finally
met mrs. right
bought her flowers,read her my poem
said he'd call me
the next day at home
didn't answer
she's with some other dude
probably begging
out on haight street for food
Saturday, July 16, 2005
weird feelings are back.
i thought that since i am all over the PHRASE that i wld be able to concentrate on sch stuffs.
bud the weird feelings are back!!!
i hate it.
heh.something weird happened just now.
i was on my way out of the room to go out to feed on birds' saliva when i did something weird to my leg.
cos it was numb after i kept it in the same position while my eyes were glued to the com screen.
then when i walked my leg was like in this weird position where my ankle was literally touching the floor.
then when i started walking there was this loud bone-crunching sound like a dinosaur had just ripped thru my bone.
end result?
i twisted my ankle.
in my OWN home no less.
not like it was a rocky terrain of some sort.
like wth?!!
i can be such a doofoos at time.[i know what it means okay]
haish everyone assumes that the feelings are still there.
bud its not.
or else i'd blush more.
i was just embarassed la.
i swear.
too much phototaking is not gd.
too little photos just suck.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
the attack of the twinnies!!wham bash boom.
Billy and Inderpal are long lost twins separated at birth.
their student pass photos are almost identical and the only difference
is their name and their birth.
haha.this fact was certified at macs at abt 6+ this evening.
present were vanessa.michelle.and the twins themselves.
at the rewards checking machine no less.
lol. was rather bad day.
found out some rather suprising news.
heart's broken.
no one knows what to do.
no one can help.
sookie cant help too.
i need some interesting stalker news.
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
la-la,la-la dont phunk with my heart~
Ooh.went out to meet alice just now.haha.i have decided to call her wonderland just to annoy
we talked.
we ate.
we talked sumore.
we talked abt the topic that we've been talking abt ever since we knew it existed.[sumwhere around mid-sec3]
we talked and exchanged info till the cows some home.
loved talking to her.
abt just anything and everything.
love how the conversation just goes on and on without stopping:D
and then a superbly weird thing happens.
i was like thinking abt what i wld do if i saw money on the floor.[at the same time listening to wonderland.i multi-task a student.wad u expect?]
then we came across this 50 dollar note on the floor!!
like 50 BLOODY BUCKS~~!!!
how often do u see 50 dollar bills in a wallet and now its on the floor?!!
the fellow who dropped it must have been one rich dude man.
i was so stunned that i froze for half a minute.
then we went to hand the bill over to this security at the airport who told me to take the money.
i looked at him with a disgusted look on my face and said 'bud thats not my money.'
the large neon sign spelling 'integrity' flashed wildy in my head.
then i walk away feeling really gd that i din take it.
bud that guard is probably gonna take it anyway.
cos like they can hardly find the owner now can they?
unless the freak-of-a-person keeps a record of all the notes in his wallet.
house day was rather disappointing.
low turnout rate.
had to shift location.[in which many ppl took the opportunity to 'escape']
played games that did not involve a majority of the ppl.
were told jokes that did not cater to the minority classes.
ate melted soggy ice cream.
and spent two-and-a-half-hours on this.
thnx for the effort on the part of the hse comm. tho:D
mascot is darn cute!!
well then.
SAB keeps having these moods when i cant tell if IT's annoyed or something.
IT also keeps saying stuff that more often then not leave me puzzled.
this feeling is not nice.
its a 'hot and cold' thing, quoting wonderland.
and SAB always likes to say [WTF] then i get the feeling im irritating IT / an irritant.
and its barely ever my fault can.
if IT can guess this i'll just have a heart attack and go to heaven.
Monday, July 11, 2005

white and silver just go together like me and u:D
be snapped!!

healthy yummy snack!!
be snapped!!

pretty shoes!!!!
be snapped!!
Sunday, July 10, 2005
A bus carrying only ugly people crashes into an oncoming truck, and everyone inside dies.
They then get to meet their maker, and because of the grief they have experienced; He decides to grant them one wish each, before they enter Paradise.
They're all lined up, and God asks the first one what the wish is. "I want to be gorgeous," and so God snaps His fingers, and it is done.
The second one in line hears this and says "I want to be gorgeous too." Another snap of His fingers and the wish is granted.
This goes on for a while but when God is halfway down the line, the last guy in line starts laughing.
When there are only ten people left, this guy is rolling on the floor, laughing.
Finally, God reaches this guy and asks him what his wish will be.
The guy calms down and says: " Make 'em all ugly again."
sadistic nature of man at work once again..
Friday, July 08, 2005
yeah.laugh your heart out.this is true.i've never felt this way bout anyone but i know we can connect.oh wait.we already do.i wish i had the courage to go up to you,but i admit.i don' have NO idea what the sight of you does to me.NO IDEA.
i can't let you go.i'd really walk a thousand miles if i could just like,be with you.take my hand.take my whole life too.cause i can't help falling in love with you.
like so sweet can.
i really do hope its a girl for ur sake billy.
Ooh.i just have to post sumore:D
I want to come up behind you
and wrap my arms around your waist,
to catch you off guard and whisper...
im like so choked by the sweetness of it all that i cant speak.
if it was a guy.
he must be a very emo/gay one*shudders*
Thursday, July 07, 2005

::stop doing things that i dont understand::
be snapped!!
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
aS iM tOo lAzy tO bLog..tHis wIll hAve tO dO..

::im so proud of UNIDAD!!::
be snapped!!
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
thnx for destroying my life.
im being restricted by my non-ability to start conversations with certain types of ppl-___-''
Monday, July 04, 2005
i just feel &*^&*^*(#$-ed now..
whats the deal?
whats there to hide?
it hurts more when u shove it under the rug and pretended it never happened.
'i was out with friends' u said.
behaving like that?
someone saw u.
thot nothing of it at first.
bud then ur actions caused me to suspect.
was never my property in the first place.
bud i know them too, whats wrong with knowing?
afraid i'd overreact?
isnt this worse?
this sucks.
i think the mistake might have been mine.
connecting with u.