Thursday, June 30, 2005 so true la..
know all those websites with love quizzes?
i used to think that they were all fake and crappy la.
and more often then not this proved to be true.
bud i went to this website recently.
and the results were so..true.
like it really is true la.
its darn unbelievable.
here's the link.
so you all could go check it out if you have the time
shopping today!!!!
went shopping with sookie and sarah today:D!!
havent laughed so much in years.
my professional joker hasent been able to make me laugh as much as sookie can.
miss ya lots:D
shopping arnd for BOHO stuff today.
cool tops and long skirts.
bud due the the obvious height factor(lack thereof)
was forced to only look at short BOHO type skirts.
i like BOHO jewellery tho:D
darn nice with all the dangly bits.
not too complicated tho.
my mom bought this pretty nice one for me.
bud it was like 8 bucks.
i think she got ripped of cos it looks cheapo(shH..dun tell her)
bud BOHO stuffs are X.
at least those nice ones we saw at CHAOS, phuture london and future state.
random bit of stupid info abt my childhood.
i used to pronounce CHAOS literally.
like cha-os.
dumb little me.
din buy stuffs today tho.
bud we took pretty neoprints:D
in kawaii~ posses.
like those act cute ppl.
first neoprint in MJ u!!
i know i lag.
only take neoprint after like 3mths.
so must take more neoprints with me in MJ u.
i LOVE mj u:D
better then warm pinafore any day.
except on days when i am reminiscing abt the past.
carefree, sit-as-ugly-as-u-like days.
haha.i carry on too far:D
the cult of F.I.S.H.ballism rules supreme.
the history of F.I.S.H.ballism.
founded on the thirtieth of june in the year two-thousand-and five.
two great wise masters came to the common agreement that some great theory needs to be introduced to the world as there has been a serious lack of the spirit of theorism ever since the period of the FRENCH REVOLUTION.
these masters,Sar Ah and Va N, decided to theorise a theory that wld lead all on the path of proper bouyancy and chewism and to deliver the masses from their plight of lack in theories.
this theory had its humble roots in the small, tiny red-dot-of-an-island called SINGAPORE.
although there is a theory on F.I.S.H.ballism,only devout members of this prestigious cult are permitted access to the all-accounting annals. hence, should anyone desire to gain greater insight into this cult, just gorge yourself with enough fishballs and the wise masters will appear before you.
due to the sensitive nature of this cult, cynics and conservatives are advised to go on a crash course so as to be able to properly understand the different perspectives presented to you in the cult.
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
im a bad friend.
im a bad friend.
im a bad friend.
im a bad friend.
im a bad friend.
im a bad friend.
im a bad friend.
im a bad friend.
im a bad friend.
im a bad friend.
im a bad friend.
im a bad friend.
im a bad friend.
im a bad friend.
im a bad friend.
im a bad friend.
im a bad friend.
im a bad friend.
so i'd totally understand it if u all dont ever wanna talk to me again.
i suck.
so i'd better go hide in a small little cave on the island in 'LOST' and never come out again.
i suck. even wasting ur time by making u read this.
i suck.
im an evil person.keep farfarfar away frm me.
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
intellectuality and common sense.
When someone loves you, the way they
say your name i different.
You just know that your name is safe in
their mouth."
Billy - age 4
"Love is what makes you smile when
you're tired."
Terri - age 4
"Love is when your puppy licks your face
even after you left
him alone all day."
Mary Ann - age 4
"When you love somebody, your
eyelashes go up and down and
little stars come out of you."
Karen - age 7
"You really shouldn't say 'I love you'
unless you mean it.
But if you mean it, you should say it a lot.
People forget."
Jessica - age 8
top five favourite 'definitions' of love:D
darn cute.
Monday, June 27, 2005
because your actions, they sometimes imply that you care for me just like how i care for you. but then sometimes, you push me away leaving me so confused.
so i just had to go look la.
i was feeling rather happy before that.
it sucks.
what's past is past rite?
but it doesnt seem so to me.
jealousy,is this?[i love yoda]
exams suck.
oh.guess what.
i wrote the wrong date on my exam paper.
wrote 26 instead of 27.
ha.just becos im studying history doesnt mean i have to live in history too-____-"
bet the tchers wld be laughing their asses off now.
*bites madly at the pavement*
that was random.waha.
twinkle twinkle little star
how i wonder what u are
up above the world so high
like a diamond in the sky
starlight, starbright
the first star i see tonight
i wish i may
i wish i might
have the wish i wish tonight
twinkle twinkle little star
how i wonder what u are
i have so many wishes to make
what i want is what i state
just wonder what i've been dreaming of
i just wish i could have all his love
i wish i may
i wish i might
have the dream i dream tonight
twinkle twinkle little star
how i wonder what u are
i want a guy who'd be all mine
the one who'd say i'm his pride
someone's right
that's for sure
i wanna be the girl he's looking for
i wish i may i wish i might
have the guy i wish tonight
twinkle twinkle little star
how i wonder what u are
up above the world so high
like a diamond in the sky
starlight, starbright
first star i see tonight
i wish i may
i wish i might
have the wish i wish tonight
with all finality.i wld like to present to you.the eeeeeeeeeeeeend.
just like how EY says it.
Sunday, June 26, 2005

i miss first three mths!! i look tall here:D
be snapped!!
i feel like im in jail again.
studying sucks.
if a day in the future comes when i even remotely like to study
it must be cos
'bluberry-cheesecake' is sitting on me or i might have gone mental.
i hate trigo.
it sucks.
used to love it in sec sch.
bud now wad with all the half angle/double angle/triple angle/t/r/factor formulas.
im going bonkers.
NC's voice is driving me crazy.
not that im forced to listen to it.
bud i dont wanna flunk history.
stupid condecending tones and sighs.
im underpaid.
some ppl get 200+ per mth when i only get ***.
how to ask for more allowance?
1. beg
2. cry
3. scream/shout
4. go on a strike
i think no.4 wld probably work.
not that i'd bother to try.
im too lazy to do anything now.
examples of how stuck i feel:-
1. i wanted very much to go attend the lame family day crap yesterday.even after seeing for
myself how lame the whole thing was.
2. newspapers suddenly interest me so much.i keep reading the papers instead of revising.
3. i look at the 3 THICK BINDED notes for history and i get a headache.
this sucks.
i've decided to go into crush rehab.
to concentrate on my studies so to speak..
but it doesnt seem to be much help.
im having a harder time forgetting then i did.
i need to go out soon!!!!
or i'd go mad and rip someone's brain out.
need to go watch movies
need to go shopping(GSS is ending!!!!ah!!!)
need to go gossiping
need to catch up with sec sch peeps(maybe we cld go on a tour of each other's sch..funfun!)
need to revisit ODAC(I MISS U ALL!!*muacks*)
need to slack in SC rm(i think im addicted to the rm,i get on a high when im in itO.o)
need to play another round of indian poker(my favourite game..thnx to inderpal:D)
need to blog more dogs on bicycles.
i miss vega two loads.
first orientation and second orientation.
had so much fun!!!!!
miss the vega OGLs too.
our seniors and our batch.
sadly,cant be an OGL next orientation.
events to look forward to!!
house day
love meridian day
national day
tchers day
(technically its not ours bud we still get to go..super fun:D..
motto:must spike billy's hair!!!lol)
ta then.
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
****** buying:D
i forgot to mention that we went to seven-eleven to buy *******...haha
the aunty at the cashier was rather amusing.
her beady eyes followed us as we went back and forth to ask ali which type shld we get.
the dilema was between [raised spots] and [strawberry].
in the end we decided on strawberry.
so we proceeded to the counter to get it before the cheekopek uncle comes back.
when we reached the shelf.
we were suddenly overcame by fits of giggles that threatened to blow our whole [im above legal age and hence allowed to buy ******* even if it were just for fun] look.
then when we finally managed to get the box and place it on the cashier top.
the woman looked at us with a sly smile on her lips and said,
'dont worry,i wont laugh'
wasted all out giggles then.
then later ali proceeded to fill it up with water.
it was so huge.
sarah exclaimed it looked like a pamela anderson boob.
the end.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
i like to move it move it
you like to MOVE IT!!
haha.random line frm some random movie:D
Ooh.yesterday was fun.
tho when i came back i had the
phew.thank god its over.
went to chalet yesterday.
was reluctant to barge into ANTING AND HARIS' ROOM.
bud we had no choice.
we had to put our bags somewhere.
then we caught them ON THE BED.
separate sadly.
then weining and wenjian were enjoying the rm with the super POWERFUL aircon.
then we the poor non-couples had to settle for the aged and not as cool aircon.
bbq next.rather funny sight.
sarah and me were trying to seduce AVM and ali.
succeeded for the former:D
then AVM was hoping frm place to place cos the CAT was getting too near.
she said its a genetic
then the CLIMAX!!!
played indian poker:D
my ever favourite game.
sarah said she and CY came up with lots of nice stuffs to do for our dares:D
cant wait for the next time we play it.
weirdly.we always play it at night.
i've never played it in the day.
Do you like it when guys...
[x] Give you gifts?
obviously.especially if its handmade:)
[ ] sneak up behind u n just hold u? thnx.i'll scream like a banshee.
[ ] Tell their friends all about you?
not privy stuffs.
[x] Buy you flowers? a flower-addict.
[ ] Take you to the movies?
prefer to talk.
[x] Open doors for you?
gentlemanly.bud sadly not a singaporean trait.
[ ] Invite you to be with their family?
siblings ok.parents no.i'll freak.
[x] Hold u in their arms as long as they can?
[x] Hold your hand?
as long as the hand is not sweaty or dirty.
[x] Make the first move?
[x] Do random corny romantic things? a good laugh now and then.
[ ] Get jealous?
not possessive.
[x] Smile at you and say "it's just because you're beautiful"?
heh.of course.
[x] Give you compliments?
i'd say its natural for anyone to like compliments.
[x] Write you a poem?
yeap.says van the melted puddle.
[x] Find cute way to ask u to go places?
:)for e.g. hey.go with me to collect my O level cert?
[x] Give you a hug?
i love hugs:D
[ ] Beg you to do something you already don't want
to do?
[x] Ask u if you're comfortable doing something?
definite plus.
[x] Look into your eyes?
[x] Call you?
[x] Jokingly wrestle you?
[x] Make you laugh?
YESYESYESYES!!laughter is super impt to me:D
[x] Write you a song?
all the better if its accompanied by the sax
[x] Sing for you?
yay!!thats y i envy u dearie.
[x] Say he loves you?
only if he means it.
[ ] Act differently with u in front of their friends?
i'd kick him there and then.
[x] Kiss your forehead?
[x] Wrap their arms around your waist?
[ ] Play with your hair?
sometimes.other times its just if u wanted it to look nice for some special occasion.
[x] Ask you to a dance?
when i want to.
[ ] pay for you, especially on a date?
not ALL the time tankewVERYmuch.
[x] Kiss you when you least expect it.
not when eating.veggie kissing aint nice.
[ ] Over react for stupid things that happen.
sometimes it says that they care.most of the time it says they are just being petty.
[ ] Bring up the past.
good memories yes.small stupid arguements no.
[x] apologise after an argument.
yes.bud not just so we'd get off their backs.
[x] be concerned abt you?
of course!!
[ ] Be Busy 24-7? one likes being with mr invisible/never-there.
Sunday, June 19, 2005
cant stop.
every single time i read ur blog it only serves to numb me frm u..isnt the one u like supposed to be perfect in ur eyes?
material possessions VS kinship.
What the Modern Woman Wants
>>By Amanda Chong Wei-Zhen
>>The old woman sat in the backseat of the magenta convertible as it careened down the highway, clutching tightly to the plastic bag on her lap, afraid it maybe kidnapped by the wind. She was not used to such speed, with trembling hands she pulled the seatbelt tighter but was careful not to touch the patent leather seats with her callused fingers, her daughter had warned her not to dirty it, 'Fingerprints show very clearly on white, Ma.'
>>Her daughter, Bee Choo, was driving and talking on her sleek silver mobile phone using big words the old woman could barely understand. 'Finance' 'Liquidation''Assets' 'Investments'... Her voice was crisp and important and had an unfamiliar lilt to it. Her Bee Choo sounded like one of those foreign girls on television. She was speaking in an American accent.
>>The old lady clucked her tongue in disapproval.
>>'I absolutely cannot have this. We have to sell!' Her daughter exclaimed agitatedly as she stepped on the accelerator; her perfectly manicured fingernails gripping onto the steering wheel in irritation.
>>'I can't DEAL with this anymore!' she yelled as she clicked the phone shut and hurled it angrily toward the backseat.
>>The mobile phone hit the old woman on the forehead and nestled soundlessly into her lap. She calmly picked it up and handed it to her daughter.
>>'Sorry, Ma,' she said, losing the American pretence and switching to Mandarin. 'I have a big client in America. There have been a lot of problems.'
>>The old lady nodded knowingly. Her daughter was big and important.
>>Bee Choo stared at her mother from the rear viewwindow, wondering what she was thinking. Her mother's wrinkled countenance always carried the same cryptic look.
>>The phone began to ring again, an artificially cheerful digital tune, which broke the awkward silence.
>>'Hello, Beatrice! Yes, this is Elaine.' Elaine. The old woman cringed. I didn't name her Elaine. She remembered her daughter telling her, how an English name was very important for 'networking', Chinese ones being easily forgotten.
>>'Oh no, I can't see you for lunch today. I have to take the ancient relic to the temple for her weird daily prayer ritual.'
>>Ancient Relic. The old woman understood perfectly it was referring to her. Her daughter always assumed that her mother's silence meant she did not comprehend.
>>'Yes, I know! My car seats will be reeking of josssticks!'
>>The old woman pursed her lips tightly, her hands gripping her plastic bag in defence.
>>The car curved smoothly into the temple courtyard. It looked almost garish next to the dull sheen of the ageing temple's roof. The old woman got out of the back seat, and made her unhurried way to the mainhall.
>>Her daughter stepped out of the car in her business suit and stilettos and reapplied her lipstick as she made her brisk way to her mother's side.
>>'Ma, I'll wait outside. I have an important phonecall to make,' she said, not bothering to hide her disgust at the pungent fumes of incense.
>>The old lady hobbled into the temple hall and lit a joss stick, she knelt down solemnly and whispered her now familiar daily prayer to the Gods.
>>Thank you God of the Sky, you have given my daughter luck all these years. Everything I prayed for, you have given her. She has everything a young woman in this world could possibly want. She has a big house with a swimming pool, a maid to help her, as she is too clumsy to sew or cook.
>>Her love life has been blessed; she is engaged to a rich and handsome angmoh man. Her company is now the top financial firm and even men listen to what she says. She lives the perfect life. You have given here verything except happiness. I ask that the gods be merciful to her even if she has lost her roots while reaping the harvest of success.
>>What you see is not true, she is a filial daughter tome. She gives me a room in her big house and provides well for me. She is rude to me only because I affect her happiness. A young woman does not want to be hindered by her old mother. It is my fault.
>>The old lady prayed so hard that tears welled up inher eyes. Finally, with her head bowed in reverence she planted the half-burnt joss stick into an urn of smouldering ashes.
>>She bowed once more.
>>The old woman had been praying for her daughter for thirty-two years. When her stomach was round like a melon, she came to the temple and prayed that it was a son.
>>Then the time was ripe and the baby slipped out of her womb, bawling and adorable with fat thighs and pink cheeks, but unmistakably, a girl. Her husband had kicked and punched her for producing a useless baby who could not work or carry the family name.
>>Still, the woman returned to the temple with her new-born girl tied to her waist in a sarong and prayed that her daughter would grow up and have everything she ever wanted. Her husband left her and she prayed that her daughter would never have to depend on a man.
>>She prayed every day that her daughter would be a great woman, the woman that she, meek and uneducated,could never become. A woman with nengkan; the abilityto do anything she set her mind to. A woman who commanded respect in the hearts of men. When she opened her mouth to speak, precious pearls would fallout and men would listen.
>>She will not be like me, the woman prayed as she watched her daughter grow up and drift away from her,speaking a language she scarcely understood. She watched her daughter transform from a quiet girl, to one who openly defied her, calling her laotu;old-fashioned. She wanted her mother to be 'modern', a word so new there was no Chinese word for it.
>>Now her daughter was too clever for her and the oldwoman wondered why she had prayed like that. The gods had been faithful to her persistent prayer, but the wealth and success that poured forth so richly had buried the girl's roots and now she stood, faceless,with no identity, bound to the soil of her ancestors by only a string of origami banknotes.
>>Her daughter had forgotten her mother's values. Her wants were so ephemeral; that of a modern woman.Power, Wealth, access to the best fashion boutiques,and yet her daughter had not found true happiness. The old woman knew that you could find happiness with much less. When her daughter left the earth everything she had would count for nothing. People would look to her legacy and say that she was a great woman, but shewould be forgotten once the wind blows over, like the ashes of burnt paper convertibles and mansions.
>>The old woman wished she could go back and erase all her big hopes and prayers for her daughter; now she had only one want: That her daughter be happy. She looked out of the temple gate. She saw her daughter speaking on the phone, her brow furrowed with anger and worry. Being at the top is not good, the woman thought, there is only one way to go from there -down.
>>The old woman carefully unfolded the plastic bag and spread out a packet of beehoon in front of the altar.
>>Her daughter often mocked her for worshipping porcelain Gods. How could she pray to them so faithfully and expect pieces of ceramic to fly to her aid? But her daughter had her own gods too, idols of wealth, success and power that she was enslaved to and worshipped every day of her life.
>>Every day was a quest for the idols, and the idols she worshipped counted for nothing in eternity. All the wants her daughter had would slowly suck the life out of her and leave her, an empty soulless shell at the altar.
>>The old lady watched her joss tick. The dull heat had left a teetering grey stem that was on the danger of collapsing.
>>Modern woman nowadays, the old lady sighed in resignation, as she bowed to the east one final time to end her ritual. Modern woman nowadays want so much that they lose their souls and wonder why they cannot find it.
>>Her joss stick disintegrated into a soft grey powder.
>>She met her daughter outside the temple, the same look of worry and frustration was etched on her daughter's face. An empty expression, as if she was ploughing through the soil of her wants looking forthe one thing that would sow the seeds of happiness.
>>They climbed into the convertible in silence and her daughter drove along the highway, this time not as fast as she had done before.
>>'Ma,' Bee Choo finally said. 'I don't know how to put this. Mark and I have been talking about it and we plan to move out of the big house. The property market is good now, and we managed to get a buyer willing to pay seven million for it. We decided we'd prefer a cosier penthouse apartment instead. We found a perfectone in Orchard Road. Once we move in to our apartment we plan to get rid of the maid, so we can have more space to ourselves...'
>>The old woman nodded knowingly.
>>Bee Choo swallowed hard. 'We'd get someone to come into do the housework and we can eat out-but once the maid is gone, there won't be anyone to look after you.You will be awfully lonely at home and, besides that,the apartment is rather small. There won't be space.We thought about it for a long time, and we decided the best thing for you is if you moved to a Home.There's one near Hougang-it's a Christian home, a very nice one.'
>>The old woman did not raise an eyebrow. 'I've beenthere, the matron is willing to take you in. It's beautiful with gardens and lots of old people to keep you company! I hardly have time for you, you'd be happier there.'
>>'You'd be happier there, really.' Her daughter repeated as if to affirm herself.
>>This time the old woman had no plastic bag of food offerings to cling tightly to; she bit her lip and fastened her seat belt, as if it would protect her from a daughter who did not want her anymore. She sunk deep into the leather seat, letting her shoulders sag,and her fingers trace the white seat.
>>'Ma?' her daughter asked, searching the rear viewwindow for her mother. 'Is everything okay?'
>>What had to be done, had to be done. 'Yes,' she said firmly, louder than she intended, 'if it will make you happy,' she added more quietly.
>>'It's for you, Ma! You'll be happier there. You can move there tomorrow, I already got the maid to pack your things.' Elaine said triumphantly, mentally ticking yet another item off her agenda.
>>'I knew everything would be fine.'
>>Elaine smiled widely; she felt liberated. Perhaps getting rid of her mother would make her happier. She had thought about it. It seemed the only hindrance inher pursuit of happiness. She was happy now. She hadeverything a modern woman ever wanted; Money, Status,Career, Love, Power and now, Freedom, without her mother and her old-fashioned ways to weigh her down...
>>Yes, she was free. Her phone buzzed urgently, she picked it up and read the message, still beaming from ear to ear. 'Stocks 10% increase!'
>>Yes, things were definitely beginning to look up for her...
>>And while searching for the meaning of life in the luminance of her hand phone screen, the old woman in the backseat became invisible, and she did not see the tears. sad.
in the pursuit of material wealth, that do not even matter when we reach the end of our lives,
we forget what is most impt and what would survive the test of time.kinship.
is it really sensible to do this just for a small insignificant moment of happiness?
food for thought on FATHER'S DAY:D
Friday, June 17, 2005

be snapped!!
Monday, June 13, 2005
quizzy:D AIMYS
The Keys to Your Heart
You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free. |
In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored. |
You'd like to your lover to think you are loyal and faithful... that you'll never change. |
You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic. |
Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets. |
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment. |
You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred. |
In this moment, you think of love as something you thirst for. You'll do anything for love, but you won't fall for it easily. |
wow!!!so true:D gg to take more quizzes.
in a quizzy mood today:)
V |
is for |
Virtuous |
A |
is for |
Articulate |
N |
is for |
Naive |
E |
is for |
Extreme |
S |
is for |
Sensual |
S |
is for |
Sappy |
A |
is for |
Active |
sounds like some random adjective generator crap.
Your Japanese Name Is... |

Nori Genji
*bursts out laughing*
im so amused:D
Your Deadly Sins
Pride: 40%
Envy: 20%
Gluttony: 20%
Greed: 20%
Sloth: 20%
Wrath: 20%
Lust: 0%
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 20%
You will become famous - and subsequently killed by a stalker. |
divine prediction of my death.
You Are 15 Years Old |
Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.
13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.
20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.
30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!
40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.
childish immature little me:(
Friday, June 10, 2005
nice song:D
all my life
changing everyday
in every possible way
all my dreams
is never quite as it seems
never quite as it seems
never felt like this before
but now im feeling it even more
because it came from u
haha...nice lyrics:D
heard it in council rm.
10 mins before gg for LTC~~!!
wish me luck ppl.
hope im still in one piece after it:)
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
interesting stuffs..
there used to be no there's so many tomorrows...i wana die... friend's nick.
how true.
endless possibilities yet all hidden behind an invisible wall.
ever wondered why ppl were made to feel hurt?
shldnt we be made so we would be able to protect ourself frm hurt?
it doesnt make sense.
try to forget bud it always comes back.
harder to get rid of than a lovesick puppy.
more difficult to forget then ur first birthday present.
sweeter then fresh honey.
prettier then the first snowflake.
warmer then a hug.
gets u on a high faster than doing ur favourite things.
brings calm quicker then an empty mind.
reassures like words never could.
made a hundred promises to give up on the impossible.
something happens to relight that hope.
is it so impossible to forget?
the way we met is one i've never experienced before.
seems we allowed things to go on without us even knowing.
sleep flies and thought resides.
shld start revision now.
bud there's no space.
he's all over.
sparkles are good.
pats are nice.
sms-es gets me on a high:D
Saturday, June 04, 2005
end of the week!!!!!!yay!!!!!
its the end of the week@.@
im happy.
bud i know that im not indispensible
the world will still turn without me
the lives of people arnd me will still remain the same.
y shld i rely?
on a happier note.
im gg out to buy my VERY FIRST SLEEPING BAG today!!!!
im excited.
it marks many days of outdoor sleeping ahead doesnt it?
ah.and ltc
ltc sounds fun.
mayb i'd make many new
miss sookie and cheryl.
and the odac clan.
they went ophir-climbing today.
wish i cld have gone with them.
experience of a lifetime;D
bud i think i missed too many trainings already.
wld only drag them down if i went.
lousy stamina+no training=trouble
::i love my new blogskin:D::
pls comment on it.
open to criticisms,really.*shoves knife behind back*