Tuesday, May 31, 2005
like omg
i had no idea that deep down i am such a sadistic despot.
haha.wellwellwell.im like hitler.hmmz..
does that mean im two-faced?
Stability results were medium which suggests you average somewhere in between being calm and resilient and being anxious and reactive.
Orderliness results were medium which suggests you are moderately organized, hard working, and reliable while still remaining flexible, efficient, and fun.
Extraversion results were high which suggests you are overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense too often of developing your own individual interests and internally based identity.
trait snapshot:
expressive, open, self revealing, loves large parties, loud, social, outgoing, does not like to be alone, assertive, social chameleon, always busy, likes to fit in, likes to stand out, enjoys leadership, brutally honest, trusting, optimistic, desires attention, dominant, aggressive, attachment prone, not familiar with the dark side of life
heh..wow.i've gained a greater understanding of myself from a cold computer who probably doesnt even recognise me even tho i've been thumping on its keyboards since 'the start of time'.
how ironic.lol.
well then.today was a rather -_-'' day...considering that we the 'HISTORY ELITES' had to go earlier to have extra lessons.hrrrmmpphh.it was like frm 9 to 12 la.with three 10min breaks in between.rather annoying.i think by 11 my brain was already saturated la.had to like blink multiple times to keep me awake.sheesh..
hoho.things have not turned out as well as i wanted to.nuff said.
star WARS??-_-''
like the show was so super boring and no-point can.
BUT I LIKE YODA:D.was so proud of him[or it] when he managed to light-sabre the two stupid things trying to kill him.
thank god those two ape-like thingies were on his side.
so SCH-WEET.i love them both.haha.
so cute when the ape-like ppl went off for a war.there was this whole army of ape-like things.
i promise to learn their names soon.
ANAKIN WAS CUTE:Da pity he had to be disfigured so early in the show.
was rather sad at that pt.
then the ewan mcgregor part was also rather touching.
like seriously la.
he placed all his trust and hope on him then he went over to the dark side just like that.
like wth??
then the lift part was highly amusing also.
haha.note i quote only the starting parts and the ending parts.
i was trying hard to keep awake.
some ppl felt the show was sad.
not really la.
or mayb cos i was near to nodding off[BUD I DIN OK!!]
heh.found out NC was the one who pick the show.
shall ask him why he decided to curse us all with that show.
even tho it had many redeeming pts:D
like yoda and anakin.*grins widely*
Sunday, May 29, 2005

sookie!!!i miss u!!!!!
be snapped!!
y.u.c.k.s. dont come near me>.<
GP exam is tmr!!!!!
*freaks out*!!!!!!!
im not prepared!!!!
duno how to prepare!!!!
*deadpan look*argh.*faints*
Saturday, May 28, 2005
suntec!!!!!marina square~~~i love u:D
whee~~!!!!so happy today..went to marina/suntec...
bought a digicam:D
the type that i wanted to get before prom:D
and it has sepia and b&w modes:D
and it was not X for a 5.1megapixel cam:D
i am so thrilled:D
i went free-magazine-loading at times and mph:D
i took a pic of the hairstyle that i wanted:D
heh heh.today was such a fufiling day:D
bought lots of stuff:D
i think im easily contented:D
Friday, May 27, 2005
im sick of orchard...-_-''
had econs makeup today.when it was actually supposed to be a holiday[cos we were SOCCER CHAMPS!!!!]
bud it was ok.ms poh was being nice.she helped to smuggle aveline out of the library cos aveline was wearing pe shorts.lol.it was rather comical for the rest of us.sry avo..
then went with SHEENA WILFRED AVELINE SHARON AH BAH ABIGAIL to WS foodcourt to eat.wanted to eat at swenson's[the higher class place] actually.bud din in the end cos of a serious lack in funds.
we talked abt racist stuff when we were eating.felt mean.bud i participated less.not as much as sheena at least.she's the limit la.heh..
then to orchard we went
walked in this weird rectangle of orchard.frm cine to taka-slash-wisma then cross the road and walked back to heeren.
we walked in this weird shape like a few times la.
rather comical i must say.
met lots of ppl
EDREI[claims i dao-ed him]
YEAP.plus me and sheena were on a budget.AT ORCHARD.can u believe our audacity??!!!we cld have starved to death..lol..
Thursday, May 26, 2005
oh-no.im so sry.really.
today was crap..cldnt believe how tired i was..after yesterday's hysterical-ness...lol..
sry mrs L...i din mean to fall aslp..srysry
sry sheena..had to drag u along with me when i wanted to go hm to slp...
Wednesday, May 25, 2005

me and ibriza:D semi-blurry>.<
be snapped!!

after invest!!!quick!!change for soccer~!!!
be snapped!!

nice pretty pic at NS!!!!!!!!!!!happy:D
be snapped!!
MJC soccer won!!!!!
wah...like everyone was seriously on a high la...it was rather difficult to get the ppl cheering at the start tho...they were like wooden blocks la..like sianz after sch...not until after MJ SOCCER TEAM scored the firat goal then they start cheering abit leh...
not really sure exactly what happened in between...remembered we were rather high and screaming for every goal scored by MJ SOCCER TEAM...haha...it was rather funny..i was getting totally high until i was so certain i was having an out of body experience..haha..then NC was next to me then i was like screaming madly i think he was rather shocked..haha
bud the impt thing is that we WON!!!!yeappie!!!!!!!!!!
bud both teams played well
it was all down to a matter of luck in the final monents
could have gone either way.
hope we can be consistent and win next yr too:D...it'd be a bonus..to day was a super happy day for me...
first: PE
then: invest..[the seniors were ROCKING!!!]
finally:soccer champs!!!!!
woah..seriously..high overload..then me and sarah cldnt stop taking pics on our way hm...haha...we took nice pics before we went to!!!!!!!whee!!!!
oh..btw...THANKS...to the ppl who helped to shift chairs after invest kay!!!!!love ya lots...<3
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
CHOCOHOLIC!!!!argh.i so need my dose of chocolateeven tho it makes me fat.they give me energy and keep me on a HIGH!!!pls get me a chocolate hamper for my bday:D
Monday, May 23, 2005
what a waste of time.
realised i just stayed hm the whole day doing nothing constructive.shld have went out.then at least it'd serve to raise my spirits a little.wonder if we still gonna have invest on wednesday.but how to?considering the fact that the whole sch has to go down to support soccer.but the invitations for invest has been sent out already.hmmz..
Sunday, May 22, 2005
PoEm tImE!!!!!
You're the thought that starts each morning,
the conclusion to each day.
You're in all that i do
and everything that i say.
You're the smile on my face,
the twinkle in my eye.
The warmth inside my heart,
the fullness in my life.
You're the hand that's laced in mine,
the coat upon my back.
My friend, my love,
my shoulders to lean on.
Your're my silly,mature,caring,thoughtful,
bright and honest guy.
The one who holds me tightly
when i need to cry.
You're the dimple in my cheek,
the ever-constant tingle in my soul.
The voice that makes me weak,
the happiness of my life.
You are all I've wanted
You are all I need
You are all I've dreamt of
You are all of this to me.
we SOOOO can live without men
we obviously can live without men.
women can be bus drivers too, and taxi drivers.i believe that women and men are equals in terms of capability.so since the men can do it why cant the women?also, its not as if the women are not capable enough to undertake jobs that are dominated by men, but it is a fact that society does not allow for women to undertake such jobs.
for example.if women decided to be taxi drivers and happen to take late shifts,they would be subjected to possible rape or assault.just because these bastardy men 'felt like it'.
in a girls sch, girls are made to do all the work.if women really cant live without men.we wont see girls sch arnd then wld we?u might think the male teachers help.bud the truth of it is that they dont.AT ALL.they just sit arnd waiting for things to be brought to them.dont these lazy men then put additional burden on the women then?
done=)over to
Saturday, May 21, 2005
SOCCER WON!!!!ONE-NIL!!power sia!!heh.heh.im on a high sia.the competition was like so close la.we kept trying to goal bud the kick was miss aligned.bud our brave soccer team PERSEVERED!!!so brave.lol.the rjc goalie was real good too.he kept catching our goals.abit annoying at times but he was still good nonetheless.the rj ppl there were like so quiet la.mj ppl were DEFINiTELY noisier.:Dthen they kep copying our cheers.like when we said the 'MJ MJ *clapclap*' one then they did 'Raffles Raffles *clapclap*'.copiers.pfft.then we went to lido.to watch kingdom of heaven.no comments on the show.was too gobsmacked by the brutality of the way they killed ppl.like the guy just plucked out his handknife and poked it into the guy's chin.then blood splurted out and the guy proceeded to choke to death.a rather visual description rite.haha.the first scene of that i saw i covered my mouth with both hands.BOTH HANDS?!!can u believe that.its like so gu niang la.gives me the shivers thinking abt it.eww.haha.then hanyun was squirming next to me.haha.said she couldnt stand the knights waiting for impending death.lol.btw.on our way out of the 'teacher's network' stadium we saw ppl rushing to get on the bus gg back to sch.then mrs chin saw me and she shouted:'VANESSA!!ARE YOU GOING BACK?!'.lol.then weikang said she was very fierce.heh.well then.now that we WON rj and would proceed to the finals against vj.makes one wonder what will happen to the precheduled invest.think it might be postponed?hmmz.that will be sad.bud i dun wanna miss the match too.and anyhow.VP said that she wanted the WHOLE sch to go down to support,doesnt that include us too.hmmz.dilema!!!in the process of gg for the soccer match some of the ODAC-ers skipped ODAC.and it happened to be handover ceremony day.hmmz.feel rather guilty and sad.wanting couldnt even go for it cos she was sick.i saw her when i went to get the early leave form for myself.gladys said that the seniors went to shake all the seniors hands.so she was like super happy la.haha.like on a high:D.hmmz.my sis is dyeing her hair now.her first time.so my mum is like reading out the instructions on the dyeing packet.haha.rather funny.like a radio.heh.think her hair is gonna be brown i think.my mum is still trying to dissuade her from dyeing her hair.lol.im only allowed to dye my hair after JC.haish.like a year later would make a whole of a difference.sometimes it might end up to be too late.like that time when i wanted to try contacts in sec 1 then my mum was like wait till sec two when u're more responsible.then see what happened.sheesh.sometimes waiting too long is just not a good thing.yeap.so.the toilet is rather quiet now.wonder if she got overcome-d by the dye.lol.hmmz.i think that prep. for invest has gone really well.the walk in thing was like so cool la.and i think our song is semi perfected:D.daniel said we went off-key many times tho.cant blame us cos majority of us not frm choir rite.sheesh.i think that the previous song the seniors used for their walk in was soo much nicer and more.um.OOMPH!.yalor.the new one is not as impressive.mayb they felt they shouldnt have a nicer song then us cos its our invest. anyway,bud the bond song was really cool.wasted.haish.school is really stressing now.i understand y ppl call us the mugger sch now.cos like EVERY SINGLE bloody test is counted.sheesh.like if we screw up one then we'd get retained.!!alamak!!june hols approaching soon!!we shld have a vega outing yea?!!plsplsplspls say yes>.it reallY would.so pls say u'd grant me a day with all my vega dahlings:Di'll pray to the tooth fairy.wish fairy.dream fairy.she-who-controls-it-all.and whoever who'd listen.so pretty pretty please grant me my wish.i'll do anything.i really really wouldnt mind doing anything for my friends:).cos they mean the world to me.when u believe
even the impossible would be easy
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
StArT of possibility of great things?
hmmz.just had CTC few days before.mentally tiring.wearing the blazers was so warm la.like the name blazer is such an apt name for it.cos it really burned us up.everyone's face was like sweaty except for mine and kenneth's.cos we were in the AIR-CONDITIONED HALL.haha.we were so lucky.sry peeps.bud i think we all got used to the stuffyness in the blazer after a while.it was rather fun doing ushering.i think i smiled too much until i had cheek muscle cramps.it was kinda weird seeing NC act all civil and polite,i swear i was expecting him to start shouting 'hurry up, u morons!!' at the parents.bud of cos he din.he said he din wanna lose his job so soon.lol.
we're gonna have a new lecturer/tutor for history.u cant blame me for seriously doubting her capabilities and its not cos she's a girl[im feminist remember].she'd like fresh out of NIE and she barely spoke at all and during the lecture she wasent even paying attention.think it really shows how much experience she has.i mean if u din wanna listen then sit behind where none of the students can see u right.like NC wld know that.besides.i wonder what will happen to him when she comes.i think he's an alright tcher,at least better that kang,who was always so PMS-y and mood swing-y.it was rather irritating to see kang suck-up to the principal too.like everyone cld tell la.obvious enough?
i think i might be giving up soon.seeing the hoplessness of it all.altho i usually persevere.i think i shld concentrate on my studies instead.cos its a serious distraction.and i think the infatuation is dying down anyway.i actually thot he was ugly when i saw him frm a certain angle today.that was SO a sure sign that im begining to like him less.ahha.u think this might be despo-tism?cos i feel a little that way and i have a feeling my friends are getting abit irritated that i get on instant high whenever i see him.u all must help me out here.dont tell me things abt him.that really helps:D.tankew.
Everytime i see ur face,
Everytime u look my way,
Its like it all falls into place.
Everything feels right.
Ever since u walk away
Left my life in disarray
All i want is one more day
All i need is one more day with you.
Everytime i hear ur name,
Everytime it feels the same.
Its like it all falls into place.
Everything feels right.
so.i think i suck at time management.i often end up having to cheong my hw.i guess this wld have to improve soon.otherwise i'd just be retained.retaining next yr is scary cos according to certain ppl.the syllabus is totally different and it sucks.taking into consideration the extra two subjects that u have to take frm different faculty in addition to your 3 or 4 a level and 1 or 2 ao subjects.like WHOA~.it will be a killer and i hope neither my friends,the ppl in council or me will stay back.so.ya.
MUST WORK HARD!!!my motto for this term.lol
had rehersals for investiture just now.rather fun.think we mastered the walking in part le.SO PRO!!haha.[just that i really like atlas' cheers].when we walk in its like darn cool la.i hope we do it like the 2nd council cos they look really confidant and professional.then cos we din smile enough and all looked darn stiff.the councillors all had to come make us laugh.lol.i understand now when NC says i get amused at the most trival of things.the singing part was cool too.mayb not really cos we din really know tha last part there.bud we sang the chorus part loudly:D.and azlyn with her pro-ness in singing did the
*tremble-tremble* parts:D.then the ping-pong ppl were sharing the hall with us and were staring at us when we started to sing and natasha told us to sing louder.think it affected their rhythm or sumthing.lol.they had this look of mixed emotions on their faces.hope its more of good feeling then bad ones like 'WTH,their singing sucks' or something like that.personally i think that we did rather well considering that we did not practice before hand and only got the lyrics like 2 mins before the actual thing la.bud of cos it helped that we had all listened to the song before.am now trying to cram the lyrics into my head together with my hw and test informations.
*lala*got my king lear book today.my sis's first reaction was "why u have to buy?how much?....WHAT?!!twenty-six for this...??!!" she was lost for words.haha.i expected it.so decided to give her a heart attack.she assumes that since she has already bought all the TYSs that i'll need that i wont have to spend a single cent on other materials.like hello?firstly we were in different schools and secondly she took science while i took arts.u think i'd be able to use the materials that she bought?
sheesh-ness.i think the timer thing on my blog its screwed up.think its not the correct time zone bud im lazy to change it.lol. so yeah.when it says im blogging at some unearthly time of 3-4am.dont trust it.i usually blog during the less unearthly hours of 11-12 lidat:D.
met jiayan today.after one of the tutorials i had.think it was econs.i was rather shagged as i recieved bad news of some sort that i cant seem to remember now.anyhow,jiayan was really like cheerful and stuff.i really admire that and i aspire to be like that one day.
woopeedeedoo!!!we'll be formally introduced tmr:D.haha.
Monday, May 16, 2005

-freaky me and wenqi after dancing like crazy maniacs at TPJC-
be snapped!!
Saturday, May 14, 2005
hmmz...im on a balanced mood i think...
heya!!!havent been blogging much lately due to a lack of social life cos of sch...argh...i miss the period after Os...cos now it just sucks...
JCs usually give u the illusion that u still can have a life in the first three mths..then after that the full force of it bangs into you when u realise that the tchers have been cushioning the blow..that JC really is MUCH more stressful then secondary sch in many ways..to those immature sec sch students who kee saying that JC ppl have it easy cos we have only six subjects as compared to their 8 or 9...SHUTUP..u so do not know the reality of it all..
today my CT just told us that she thinks we looked stressed and should consider dropping one subject...many of my classmates are considering and this is bad cos we're the only 4 sub arts class and if we drop our 4th subjects, the science ppl will look down on us?i know some science ppl might think that this is not true...bud u are not us..so u will never really fully comprehend the stress that we face taking arts..so dont pretend to, or try to pretend that it doesnt exist...
i miss secondary sch life..i cant believe how i complained abt the long sch hours last time..cos my sch hours now are just crap and like almost double of last times..sheesh...this sucks...according to mrs wong,JC sucks more than uni...can u believe that?sortof immpossible rite...haish..
i miss vega two...even tho we see each other arnd occassionally,we are drifting apart and i think its really obvious to all...we have no time for ech other as our schedules do not allow them and the sports houses are different from orientation ones...i think that if the sports houses were the OHs..ppl wld have SOOO much more bonding spirit...now the spirit is like non-existant la..
i think i might want to upload another pic to accompany the lone one here...haha...oh!!..the paint of my monkey bottle came out!!!AH!!!not everything of cos or else i wld so jump down and die...bud im sad nonetheless..not very tho..still enough to laugh:D..
as usual..my favourite topic...i dont think i'd be seeing him much arnd in sch today...my friends all say im to obsessed with him..cos i go on a mental high whenever i see him..haha then i smile non-stop and that makes me look like an idiot..i think i shld stop liking him...cos its futureless and hopeless..cos he told this friend of mine who he likes..this sucks..i think this shall be my last blog abt him..cos i find it weird to read back abt stuff that i typed before abt him..*shudder*
i wanna go back to TKGS!!!and if possible kindergarten...argh...we were soo carefree..i feel like writing something...bud i suck at writing things..haha..mayb i shal not have so many fullstops in the future..so it'd look less spaced out.

took this at world of sports at suntec:D...r we pro or wad..lol
be snapped!!

oh-five-ae-one-oh-two!!!i miss u all sooo MUCH!!!
be snapped!!
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
things have cHaNgEd
hmmz...how shld i describe what im feeling now?...is it confusion?...is it fear of not being able to keep my promise to sookie?...i dont wanna be a un-trustable friend...i really wanna keep my promise...u're my dearest friend shufen..im afraid that we'd drift apart..now that orientation is over and i only see u during lit..not that we were in anyway close in the first place..but at least we talked occasionally...and that served to brighten up my day...im afraid u'd think that we're different now...that i cant be crazy anymore and have to watch what i do...
tmr it'd be all official...but i dont know if thats what i really want...even if i did...its too late to change things now...i really do understand now the meaning of regret...i really wish life had a backspace button so we cld all screwup less...
when it was announced today, my first thought was you..whether it'll change the way things are between us...already there are some major changes that occured...u do not know this but it really meant the world to me..with one sms u were able to take it all away..i hate you for that...
i am filled with anticipation yet a deep yearning for tmr to be over quickly..its not a particularly good day for me...monday is...but thats beside the point...i might have to give up something i love doing alot..it is hard..i did not expect this..
my head hurts...i'd have to go do my hw in a short while..if NC says anything abt it tmr i'd really cry...i think i buckle under stress...this is no good...plus i cant go traveling this yr..its bad luck for my dad..
things that make me happy
- ice-cream: any sort..the coldness serve to numb my feelings..
- music: songs that i can related to
- blogging and free writing
- hugs: big,humongous bear types
- talking abt anything and everything
- smiles,those that really come frm the heart
- you.just by being
- my fab friends
- dog-cuddles
- toothless grins of babies
- my computer...*muacks*
- coming home to my bed..stacked with pillows just the way i like it
- water: whether i need it or not
- sms-es: i cld grin abt it the WHOLE day..
- getting sunburnt: feeling of rejuvenation when the black skin peels off
- smell of fire: deliciously inviting..
- stars and rainbows...make me feel as if i were in paradise..
- kayaking:tho the water was really disgusting..i think i might just get enthu abt it enuff to wanna go kayaking on my own... i think my spirits have risen considerably after blogging..ppl who come...pls tag or comment kay..thnx:D
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
today was a good day:D...
i love it love it love it!!!!heh..i sound like a mcdonald's ad...haha....saw him many fun times today:D...morning i was in a rather '---' mood...cos like not enough slp..coupled with the fact that i cant believe that the weekend just ended like dat...bud its good that monday is a good day for me...so i dun get the monday blues:D...i keep seeing him arnd...hmmz..i wonder how much i like him..cos cheryl asked me today...i dun even noe myself...saw him during lit lecture..he was rather quiet again..mayb he really likes lit and i shld take up sarah's suggestion on writing a poem for him...bud thats like so despo dont u think..-_-...sat with adrian and wilfred today during lecture..cos there was like ONE seat left in the row with my class and sheena took it...hmmz...she just refused to move down with me...pfft..then someone called my name...(or mayb it was another vanessa...with so many vanessas in sch..its really confusing u know..we shld all have nicknames)...then i was like looking arnd like and idiot cos i thot my classmates called me...bud in the end it wasent..then wilfred kept pissing me off with the stupid things he wrote on his notes...almost poked him with my pen..haha..according to many friends...i was really sunburnt today...so much so that i looked as if i was constantly blushing..haha...weird little old me..we had lit tutorials today...finally finished all my presentations..now can sit back and relax..haha..opps:X...i still have my context qn havent done..i hope she doesnt get so pissed it induces labour..then i'd feel real guilty...he keeps talking abt the girl he like in his blog but he refuses to tell me..i rather he tell me then it can help me give him up faster..but NNNOOOO...he has to withold that little bit of information that my happiness depends on..stupid boy:)...haha
things that make me high
- going to the beach or airport with my friends
- going shopping and pissing irritating salespersons off
- playing with balloons:D
- jumping/hopping arnd
- talking abt vega or miranda
- dogs!!
- seeing him
- seeing him make stupid faces at me
- talking to him:D
- odac!!
A guy should...
- always be patient
- keep holding her hand no matter how much she insists on letting go
- let her know that she's always thought of and loved
- lean close to her when they are together
- hug her every once in a while
- tease her
- keep a photo of her in his wallet
- ask her out 'just to see her'
- give her special treatment
- confide in her
- give her special meaningful looks that only u both understand
- wait for her after sch so they can go hm together
- make an effort to know her friends and introduce his to her
- hold her hand and walk down ECP
- msg her at least once per day
- never hit on her good friend
- mean what he says
- keep promises made to her
- be spontaneous
- listen to her
- tell her stupid stories
- let her fall asleep in your arms
- sing to her
- carve your names at the platform thing at sentosa
- write poems about her
- make up pet names for her and let her make up one for u
- walk in the rain with her, then tell her how much she means to you
- kiss her
- not play hard to get
- ask her straight out if she would like to be with you
- not get your friends to ask the girl u like out(no sincerity)
wee~~!!...im done..so proud of myself..gonna go put that aloe vera thing now...
Sunday, May 08, 2005
smiley time
shit...my sunburn is hurting soo much i cant scratch my face or even rub lightly...its darker now tho...im afraid it might peel soon...soo irritating..i get sunburnt sssooo easily....
went to bugis today..after i woke up late and had to wear horrible clothes cos i wasent thinking and grabbed the first thing i saw...i woke up at arnd ten...so all in all i slept a grand total of 15 hrs...THATS how tired kayaking made me...then i had horrible memories of swallowing that disgusting water while capsizing and while swimming...*shudders*
did lit in the afternoon..on frankie...bla bla...ate rocher(?)...then we talked abt the different stages of relationships..haaa...weird stuffs...then went to KFC for dinner..actually wanted to order back bud the ordering places were all jammed up frm orders for mother's day..so we had to settle for KFC at eastpt..
am rather tired now..totally din do any work this weekend..think im the most slack 4 subject taker..i shld be shot...argh..stresss....screw the 4 subjects...its taking over my life..GDI...
wah...kayaking!!!lobster's back
wow...today was sooo tiring man...firstly,we had to swim in dirty water...like leaves,twigs and dead fishes galore....yucks...
i had to capsize like 5 over times cos the instructor felt i din know how to capsize properly...like duh..since i missed the last lesson..
first capsize: it was my turn to be the victim for sookie and lizhen to save.
second capsize:capsized when i tried to do a sidedraw(which i totally din know how to do)
third capsize:instructor asked me to capsize to show him how i did it.
fourth capsize:instructor said i din hold my paddle correctly.try again.
fifth capsize:instructor said i din tap three times with BOTH hands.again.
sixth capsize:instructor said i only tapped twice...bud he let me off...
last time:mass capsize..we were supposed to save each other...
well...i din put sunblock..cos it'd just all wash off my face when i perspired anyway...so yeah..i got SSSSOOO sunburnt..i look like a lobster..and i have sleeve lines and shorts lines...weird lines man...
we went to golden mile hawker centre for lunch..along the way saw lots of dead snails..they look as if they had been cycled over...rather gross..bud we were too hungry to bother..then me and sookie went to order jap food...yummy...and reasonably priced too..then i ordered sugar cane juice..i thought it tasted a little too fresh...lizhen and minhui's were yummy tho...haha..they cldnt finsh so i drank for them...it was a wonder i din puke..
then after lunch we went to do mass capsize..learnt a few new strokes and then we headed back...bud there was a condition...all of us were to pretend that our paddle had broken into two and we were only left with one side..so we had to make use of the stuff we learnt during the course to kayak back..rather tiring..i cheated at some part..im repentent now...:(...then there was this part where there were rocks there cos it was like low tide..then was rather scary la..i thot i wldnt get stuck..then this gian wave came and pushed me onto the rocks..so irritating..then i cld feel the rocks scraping the bottom of the kayak and i was so afraid that there wld be a hole...thankfully there wasent and i was able to kayak back safely...bud on the way after the rocks and before we reached shore...the water was so choppy cos of the DRAGON BOAT PPL...then it kept moving my kayak off course and i almost banged into the wall..scary...
then after that we went to national stadium to bathe cos we all felt so disgusted with ourselves..then i went to check out my sunburn and realised it was really bad...argh..then we went to suntec all clean and nice:D...walked arnd a bit...wanted to have this picnic thing at the top floor of suntec..then got chased away by the security guard...bud while looking for a place to sit and talk we ate finish all the food and got tired..so we went hm..haha..i slept frm 6 plus to now...had totally skipped dinner...too tired...am now gg back to slp...
i did not do any hw...AT ALL...shat...
Saturday, May 07, 2005
Track and field day!!!!ah!!!
wah..today was track and field day..phobos,miranda and atlas sat in the gallery..happyhappy:D..i kept gg to atlas..heh...cos of shufen and pokey..haha..i've got a secret name for him now..anyway..we din speak much during the event anyway..so no use sitting at atlas...
screamed lots for miranda atheletes..
MIRANDA IS THE BEST!!.hha...it was rather fun cheering for miranda at triton and atlas..haha...cos i went to visit sarah and shufen..so i wasent really at miranda...bud my spirit was with them every part of the way!!..we won..so happy:D...and atlas got second...so miranda and atlas sitting next to each other again next yr!!!...yay..im happy haha...and triton sitting next to atlas cos triton got third!!..yay...so me sarah and shufen dunt have to walk arnd too much..haha..mst try to book a place in front of the fan again next yr!!>.<me and sarah walked arnd to take pics with ppl while waiting for the rain to stop...took with henry, daryl, xavier, sharissa, sookie, adrian, jiayan, bryan and many others i think..forgot le..haha...sarah's camera soooooo cool!!!....got black-and-white mode and sepia mode..my cam dun have..so lousy:(...shld go get a gd camera soon...with all the nice modes..then can go take nice pics:D..
we did a tkgs cheer after the whole event...a gathering of the ex-tkgians...so fun..every one was so high..especially me...we cheered loudly and i was so proud of everyone:D..cos even tho we have left tkgs..our spirit is still there...then the VS guys cheered...there was too little of them le..then jon ma got a bit ap...mayb its cos of the red paint..tsktsk..
argh..got lots of hw...undone lit contextual qn and GPP..we're so screwed..i thot our 'ai de gao bai wu' concept was rather gd...bud mrs wong said it was too metaphorical...crap...argh...it wld have been fun doing that..sigh...
tmr we have kayaking for the last time..hope its gonna be fun..heard they learnt capsizing already..i dun really know how to capsize..so a little worried...im not to bothered by the swimming part except for the fact that the water is SSSSOOOO bloody dirty can...i dun wanna catch any thing frm that...yuckos..
i noe i shld be doing hw...bud i feel slpy...-_-''
Friday, May 06, 2005
stew-pid PW...
He was my North, My South, My East, My West.
My working day and my sunday rest
My noon, my midnight;my talk,my song
I thought love would never die;I was wrong.
wee!!..nice poem right?..tho it was frm this sad poem called funeral blues by W.H.---(something)yeap..really called out to me..so i
highlighted it..haha..i took lots of notes during lecture today..its a rare sight ok..i usually space out:D..
could see him frm where i sit..sharissa says he's really noisy during tutorials bud he seemed pretty quiet to me during lectures..hmmz..duno why also..mayb cos he really likes lit?..
then i have to try my hardest to top lit class so he'd see my name up there:D...bud i think thats like totally impossible la..unless i give up on all my other subjects and only focus on lit..haa
PW sucks..im sure almost every J1 is saying that now..its causing us much grief..so..dearest examiners over at MOE...cld u pls kindly remove this constant source of unhappiness weighing on our minds?..then im sure all of us wld have much more time to
THINK OUT OF THE BOX..so to speak...
haish..how come it seemed to me i was so much more in control during the first three mths as compared to now?..now im always chionging assignments which keep going seriously overdue and im soo screwed..
shldnt have asked NC for that extension..shld have just pretended not to know..bud my stupid conscience refused to allow me to do so..so perhaps im stuck with this
heavy workload and no rest up till the wkend..thats all i can seem to think abt..that bright spark at the end of the tunnels...the WEEKEND...not as if i'd get to rest in the weekend also..since its mother's day on sunday..im sure we'd be going out and i have kayaking on sat..hrrmmmpphhh...
i might end up having to take MN on his offer he made before end of first three mths..*weak smile*
oh yeah..for all those who care to know or have nothing better to do bud to KNOW..
i have received my first failed compo and compre...english btw..i suck..
i hate myself..for being so dumb and not getting gd grades in a subject i was supposed to do well in..gah..:(..
depressed..perhaps its with this depressed feeling that i shld go proceed on my
AJC practice paper for CLAO..then mayb i can try to excel in MT..
i will laugh at myself if i do..
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
me..havent blogged in a oh-so-long time..
You should...
x. Tell her why you think she's so cool and nice.
x. Talk to her in theatres.
x. Lean over and hold her hand.
x. Pick her up and pretend you're going to toss her in the pool.
x. Hold her hand and skip.
x. Hold her hand and run.
x. Just hold her hand.
x. Pick flowers from other people's gardens and give them to her.
x. Climb a tree just to pluck a flower.
x. Tell her she's pretty.
x. Introduce her to your friends as the coolest girl you know.
x. Take a walk in the park and talk to her.
x. Just talk to her.
x. Stroll along the beach at night.
x. Take her to a theme park.
x. Take her anywhere.
x. Tell her dirty jokes.
x. Tell her happy stories.
x. Tell her sad stories.
x. Tell her your stories.
x. Tell her anything.
x. Tell her stupid jokes.
x. Write poems about her.
x. Just walk with her.
x. When she starts swearing at you... tell her you love her.
x. Let her fall asleep in your arms.
x. Call her.
x. Call her back when you calls you.
x. Sing to her, no matter how bad you are at it.
x. Carves your names on a tree.
x. Get her mad, then kiss her.
x. Give her piggy-back rides.
x. Scoop her up and carry her around.
x. Give her space if she needs it.
x. Push her on swings.
x. Stay up with her all night when she's sick.
x. Make up pet names for her.
x. Write about her.
x. Write her letters.
x. Take her to cool shops, and let her take you to even cooler ones.
x. Just hang out with her.
x. Listen to all the bands she mentions.
x. When she's sad, hang out with her or stay on the phone with her, even if she's not saying anything.
x. Buy her icecream.
x. Let her take all the photos of you she wants.
x. Look into her eyes.
x. Slow dance with her, even if the music is fast.
x. Tell her a secret.
x. Kiss her in the rain.
x. Just kiss her.
x. Walk along the river in the rain.
x. Trust her.
x. Love her.
x. Be yourself around her.
x. Cherish her.
x. And when you fall in love with her, tell her face to face... I LOVE YOU.
x. If you want her, just ask her straight... CAN I BE YOUR BOYFRIEND?
hey...copied this frm sarah's blog..its so true..so guys reading this must do what it says to the girl u like ok..only then will she know u like her:D...wondering how girls always scream blue murder when u try to throw them into the water and turns out that they like it?...well...dont wonder anymore..cos im a girl myself and i cant figure it out eiter..heh heh...
tho i think its really rare that guys will do this to the girl they like on their own cos not many of them know that this is what most girls like...unless they happen to read it out of sarah's blog..
watched a nice show today...called
CONFESSIONS OF AN UGLY STEPSISTER...sortof like cinderella but not really..loved the time period that the show was set in..tho they had to wear spoofy dresses and i think i'd totally melt in that..haha...sweet love story too..as many girls like..
so tired nowadays..barely have time for hw..have been sick for three weeks now..tho i act cheerful on the surface...i realise we dont always have the freedom to act ourself when and in whatever way we please..thats quite tiring...
hw's a burden and PW is redundant...had a fun time talking to guide friends...miss u all so much..only our bond can truly withstand the test of time..sotong was great and so was the TOM YAM sauce...yum-yum..
haish..today was supposed to be a great day for me..pity its a holiday..haha...i think YY is confused by what i post in my blog..bud i assure u its the same person..its just in case he suspects:D..m i smart or wad.haha...bhb..
hope to see him tmr..since i dont suppose i have to go to sch early for history makeup anymore..
opps...have to hand in the speech to khalisah..better go do it now..tatas:D