Tuesday, April 26, 2005
haha...so..sheena wasent spoofing sbt monday being a good day for me...lol...*beams*..haha..im so high now..was rather high the whole day:D..cos i kept seeing him...wld see him more often if sheena wld just stop being so laggy and making me late...haish..
heh...keep seeing him today..so happy..and today was a mild day too...except for the econs test and the undone history assignment i totally had no idea had to be done..i shld use IVLE more often..haha..sry NC...
talked to alvin this morning..as in just said 'hi' la..then sookie made him say that he wld vote for me..doubt he wld leh...bud wadever la...he so quiet de haha..totally not like the sort i wld like..haha...
realised all my eyecandies all like rather gay de..and i have to say something..i dun think christian is cute la..then duno y sookie and sarah think so...tsktsk...m i weird or wad...
saw him briefly in the morning..then lots of times during changing of classes..haha..thanks sheena..for asking me to go with u at the correct time..haha..i'll forgive u for all the times we missed him...
oh ya...got fries frm adrian between GP..when me and sheena wanted to go to the loo..haha..then afterwards we went for pe and our class was next to theirs...know how i knew?cos joseph is like so bloody tall that its difficult to miss him la..haha..and hilmy...and adrian's pointy hair of cos..haha...the hair that was flattened while he did the crunches like thingie on the track..lol..had bits of track stuck in ur hair din u, adrian..haha
then we[sharissa,sarah n me] walked arnd for a bit and changed into sch u...met this girl whom i din noe in the toilet who was gonna vote for me..THANKIES:)....haha//
then me and sharissa did hw for a while after sending sarah out and helping her escape frm J*****...haha...quite a feat i think..haha..then went with sharissa to hand up her hw and stuff...met adrian and alia[?] and adele at the top..as in the level above us..haha..felt weird and super short talking to them lidat..then sharissa handed up her hw[prac] then i was talking to fiona and soon ying at the first level when i walked into one of the gutter things at the side of the corridoor..then was like bent weirdly for a mo..then soon ying and fiona was laughing..so paiseh...
then copied lit for a while till sheena returned frm floorball then we went hm..miss ODAC...cos like floorball got so many trainings then we only have like two and the wednesday one is being taken up by kayaking[not that i dont like kayaking]....
hmmz...what shall i do for my campaigning?..haish...my brain aslp le..cant think of gd ideas..shat..
i think i have lots of hw bud im refusing to check for fear that i will feel like ponning sch tmr..bud of cos...thats what a councilor-in-running shld never ever do..so im abstaining from ponning...haha...trying not to let those ppl who believe in me down...
tmr is another long day..i end at 5..and tmr i dont see him often..hope he comes to sch with us..bud he's really friendly with all the girls..[i dont need u to point that out,wilfred]...and its eating away at me more and more..like then he's nice to all the girls..then all like him?!...ah!!!...cannot...hes mine...bud he likes someone else le..quite alot also..haish...
pls dun be so bloody obvious can anot..walau..make me so paiseh sia...idiot..
haha...so..sheena wasent spoofing sbt monday being a good day for me...lol...*beams*..haha..im so high now..was rather high the whole day:D..cos i kept seeing him...wld see him more often if sheena wld just stop being so laggy and making me late...haish..
heh...keep seeing him today..so happy..and today was a mild day too...except for the econs test and the undone history assignment i totally had no idea had to be done..i shld use IVLE more often..haha..sry NC...
talked to alvin this morning..as in just said 'hi' la..then sookie made him say that he wld vote for me..doubt he wld leh...bud wadever la...he so quiet de haha..totally not like the sort i wld like..haha...
realised all my eyecandies all like rather gay de..and i have to say something..i dun think christian is cute la..then duno y sookie and sarah think so...tsktsk...m i weird or wad...
saw him briefly in the morning..then lots of times during changing of classes..haha..thanks sheena..for asking me to go with u at the correct time..haha..i'll forgive u for all the times we missed him...
oh ya...got fries frm adrian between GP..when me and sheena wanted to go to the loo..haha..then afterwards we went for pe and our class was next to theirs...know how i knew?cos joseph is like so bloody tall that its difficult to miss him la..haha..and hilmy...and adrian's pointy hair of cos..haha...the hair that was flattened while he did the crunches like thingie on the track..lol..had bits of track stuck in ur hair din u, adrian..haha
then we[sharissa,sarah n me] walked arnd for a bit and changed into sch u...met this girl whom i din noe in the toilet who was gonna vote for me..THANKIES:)....haha//
then me and sharissa did hw for a while after sending sarah out and helping her escape frm J*****...haha...quite a feat i think..haha..then went with sharissa to hand up her hw and stuff...met adrian and alia[?] and adele at the top..as in the level above us..haha..felt weird and super short talking to them lidat..then sharissa handed up her hw[prac] then i was talking to fiona and soon ying at the first level when i walked into one of the gutter things at the side of the corridoor..then was like bent weirdly for a mo..then soon ying and fiona was laughing..so paiseh...
then copied lit for a while till sheena returned frm floorball then we went hm..miss ODAC...cos like floorball got so many trainings then we only have like two and the wednesday one is being taken up by kayaking[not that i dont like kayaking]....
hmmz...what shall i do for my campaigning?..haish...my brain aslp le..cant think of gd ideas..shat..
i think i have lots of hw bud im refusing to check for fear that i will feel like ponning sch tmr..bud of cos...thats what a councilor-in-running shld never ever do..so im abstaining from ponning...haha...trying not to let those ppl who believe in me down...
tmr is another long day..i end at 5..and tmr i dont see him often..hope he comes to sch with us..bud he's really friendly with all the girls..[i dont need u to point that out,wilfred]...and its eating away at me more and more..like then he's nice to all the girls..then all like him?!...ah!!!...cannot...hes mine...bud he likes someone else le..quite alot also..haish...
pls dun be so bloody obvious can anot..walau..make me so paiseh sia...idiot..
wee~~!!!...start of my third blog..haha
felt the xanga one was too difficult to customise..so until i find YY to help me get rid of the ugly template there i'll use this=)
Sunday, April 24, 2005
heyz..havent blogged in a long time..too tired to...four subs suck..shld have stuck to the old combi..haish..blame it on stupid me..then running for council and odac..really tiring man..havent really recovered from the ODAC camp yet..haha..
thursday was a non eventful day really..din really see him..even if we did we din really talk much...really miss orientation day...thinking of mayb not signing up for OGL...bud if he does then i will..haha...Ooh...saw him during change of periods after econs..then i saw his class bud not him..then he was like waving and i was looking in the other direction..lol..so paiseh...
bud then went to look at his blog...then his ex like keep posting stuff there la..so..[afasdjkgfujsdf]...haa...i was venting frustrations there..then i complained to sarah..haha...
friday..was so sianz...plus sick for one week le..haish...sniffing and all..ppl were staring at me..so paiseh..then kept being late for math lectures..not my fault..cos NC always drag on one..then the math lecturer always start so early..doing trig now btw..revising old stuff frm amath...bud i met him in the corridors=)...climbing up to math tutorials..cldnt stop smiling..heh heh...sheena thinks im mad..bud wadeva..haha
woke up at 12 today...was thinking[as i slept at 12 the day before]..what wld it be like to slp for twelve hours..haha..then i really did..so amusing..din wake till mom asked me what i wanted for lunch and i muttered the first dish that came to my mind...chicken chop:D...duno why also..haha
then went to meet sheena at 6.30 at mrt station...she was late again..haish...like shes never early la...i pity her future BF sia..haha..then we went to walkwalk arnd bugis..and tlaked la...then she bought this necklace she was complaining was heavy...bud she bought it anyway cos the woman was getting rather pissed at her..haha...dun think she'll even wear it la..then w e went back to this shop which we had already walked pass cos sheena wanted the bracelet she saw there..so..to share with her and to get the bracelets at 2 for 9.90....i got one too..tho mines much more elaborate of cos..she likes simple things..haha[hinthint to the person..dun think he reads my blog tho]..
then we met wilfred and walked to shaw towers..rather near and i realised that i have walked pass it like a million times and not realise that it was called shaw tower..hha..felt dumb..we reached there at abt 8.45..then we proceded to eat at BK...tkgians fav. place to eat..cos they can stare at VS guys...bud of cos i dun go there..heh heh....
then when we rushed in...there was this vietnam guy talking abt the show i think...bud i was too disturbed by his ghastly english that i cldnt comprehend what he was yakking on abt..then the show started...i have like a whole paragraph to describe the show...
the show was........s o b o r i n g a n d h a d s o m a n y r e d u n d a n t p a r t s i n i t t h a t i t h o t i w a s g g t o f a l l a s l e e p.t h e p a r t w h e r e t h e s o l d i e r h a d t o c u t o f f h i s le g w a s p a r t i c u l a r l y g o r y.... p o o r g u y...t h e n t h e w o r s t p a r t w a s t h a t t h e g u y w h o w a s i n c h a r g e o f s a w i n g h i s l e g o f f h a d a m e n t a l b r e a k d o w n a n d s t o p p e d s a w i n g h i s l e g....s o t h a t p o o r g u y ' s l e g w a s l i k e h a l f s a w n o f f ...t h e y d i n h a v e a n e s t e s t i c b t w...l i k e O U C H!!.
so..then i return hm..then wilfred had to mention abt the touching of hands thing with a...then i just kept smiling like a maniac all the way hm...stupid wilfred...
gah...im tired and pooped...so i think i'll retire now:D
hope im feeling better than i did this week on monday!!!*enthuenthu*
heyz..havent blogged in a long time..too tired to...four subs suck..shld have stuck to the old combi..haish..blame it on stupid me..then running for council and odac..really tiring man..havent really recovered from the ODAC camp yet..haha..
thursday was a non eventful day really..din really see him..even if we did we din really talk much...really miss orientation day...thinking of mayb not signing up for OGL...bud if he does then i will..haha...Ooh...saw him during change of periods after econs..then i saw his class bud not him..then he was like waving and i was looking in the other direction..lol..so paiseh...
bud then went to look at his blog...then his ex like keep posting stuff there la..so..[afasdjkgfujsdf]...haa...i was venting frustrations there..then i complained to sarah..haha...
friday..was so sianz...plus sick for one week le..haish...sniffing and all..ppl were staring at me..so paiseh..then kept being late for math lectures..not my fault..cos NC always drag on one..then the math lecturer always start so early..doing trig now btw..revising old stuff frm amath...bud i met him in the corridors=)...climbing up to math tutorials..cldnt stop smiling..heh heh...sheena thinks im mad..bud wadeva..haha
woke up at 12 today...was thinking[as i slept at 12 the day before]..what wld it be like to slp for twelve hours..haha..then i really did..so amusing..din wake till mom asked me what i wanted for lunch and i muttered the first dish that came to my mind...chicken chop:D...duno why also..haha
then went to meet sheena at 6.30 at mrt station...she was late again..haish...like shes never early la...i pity her future BF sia..haha..then we went to walkwalk arnd bugis..and tlaked la...then she bought this necklace she was complaining was heavy...bud she bought it anyway cos the woman was getting rather pissed at her..haha...dun think she'll even wear it la..then w e went back to this shop which we had already walked pass cos sheena wanted the bracelet she saw there..so..to share with her and to get the bracelets at 2 for 9.90....i got one too..tho mines much more elaborate of cos..she likes simple things..haha[hinthint to the person..dun think he reads my blog tho]..
then we met wilfred and walked to shaw towers..rather near and i realised that i have walked pass it like a million times and not realise that it was called shaw tower..hha..felt dumb..we reached there at abt 8.45..then we proceded to eat at BK...tkgians fav. place to eat..cos they can stare at VS guys...bud of cos i dun go there..heh heh....
then when we rushed in...there was this vietnam guy talking abt the show i think...bud i was too disturbed by his ghastly english that i cldnt comprehend what he was yakking on abt..then the show started...i have like a whole paragraph to describe the show...
the show was........s o b o r i n g a n d h a d s o m a n y r e d u n d a n t p a r t s i n i t t h a t i t h o t i w a s g g t o f a l l a s l e e p.t h e p a r t w h e r e t h e s o l d i e r h a d t o c u t o f f h i s le g w a s p a r t i c u l a r l y g o r y.... p o o r g u y...t h e n t h e w o r s t p a r t w a s t h a t t h e g u y w h o w a s i n c h a r g e o f s a w i n g h i s l e g o f f h a d a m e n t a l b r e a k d o w n a n d s t o p p e d s a w i n g h i s l e g....s o t h a t p o o r g u y ' s l e g w a s l i k e h a l f s a w n o f f ...t h e y d i n h a v e a n e s t e s t i c b t w...l i k e O U C H!!.
so..then i return hm..then wilfred had to mention abt the touching of hands thing with a...then i just kept smiling like a maniac all the way hm...stupid wilfred...
gah...im tired and pooped...so i think i'll retire now:D
hope im feeling better than i did this week on monday!!!*enthuenthu*
Monday, April 18, 2005

WEE~~!!..i'll never forget the vega girls!!!...cos u're the best friends i've got in MJ=)...
hmmz..went for council interview on friday..think i did rather badly,bud u'd never know with these things...so..better to wait till monday/tuesday to see whether i got in..haha..
then had THE ODAC camp..like its annual la..think they shld have it more often....then can lose weight on the night walk/hike..haha...on hindsight it was rather fun la..the night walk was scary in sch..the rest was expected..the J2s were really nice...
then the night hike was like really terrible la..i thot it was inhumane for the guides mams to wake us up in the middle of the night for footdrill...bud thats like once only...this was like we hiked frm 10pm to 4am..craziness...feet hurt like mad bud still pressed on..haha..tested my limit of endurance so to speak..haha...in the end it was damn funny la..all of us were slp-walking already..then we were tottering frm one side of the pavement to the other..haha..so funny..
then during camp was sick so wasent so high..then today was like damn high la...duno why..mayb its cos of the thot of gg back to bathe and slp..haha..we had wet games..think we played like 45mins of dog and bone(revised)...rather boring tho..like everyone was so sian and reluctant to run..haha..
then we had to protect our grp's plastic bowl frm being stolen..then in the end all of the grps', except ARIES's, bowl were like in small fragments le..so farni..then we had a pure water bombing segment..haha..
then we had area cleanup and everyone was fast cos we were anxious to get hm..haha...hurts like mad waist down..if prenancy is gonna be like this i'd rather night hike again..cos at least u'd lose weight with the latter..haha...
sat at the benches and exchanged numbers..love priscila's hp..so kept playing with it..haha..then 'thiak-ed' it once haha..saw her wince a little..so its true ppl are emotionally attached to their phones..
reached hm arnd 2+...bathes..then ate[burgers!!=)]...then slept till 7..bud am still tired...have so much hw to hand up tmr..am too tired to move..tehn havent thot of the PI yet..shit sia...oh..PI is due tuesday..sheesh...bud i still dun wanna go for pe..cos we doing middle distance and my legs hurt like MAD!!..im sick anyway..had minor flu at the start and now it has evolved to a full-blown one...i think almost everyone was sick at the end..cos we shared stuff and those who werent sick were made sick by the end le..lol..
girl A
girl B
guy C
i think girl A and B both like guy C...
when B tripped over the drain..she tottered over to C even tho he was on the other side of the pavement..
when A walks on uneven pavement she wld grab C to steady herself...
C confuses them both by being nice to both of them...
C holds them when he thinks they're not steady and is always sensitive to their well-being...
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
sucker.my head just dropped to the table.
hmmz....one word sums it all up...[sad]...really puts things into perspective doesnt it?...
i mean who shows a girl that likes him that his inbox is filled with msgs frm another girl...i feel like dying...
this is bad..luckily my interview wasent today...its friday!!..so i've got time to repair myself..haha
hope it doesnt affect me..mayb i'd be crappier than usual..hehheh...
gots to go now..life sucks=)
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
=)i just cant help it
woah...today snowman was bloody freaky lar..ok..heres the WHOLE senario:
me,sookie,sarah,kin lok,shar,xuanwei and his friend were sitting at a table in the canteen gossiping abt E./ammonia...then we were supposed to wait for joseph and adrian la..to go running/bball-ing together...then adrian called bud took a long time to reach the canteen..so i called him back to see where he was la..then at first i got his answering machine thing...haha..darn funny..then shar and sookie wanted to listen to it too..then they used my phone to listen..lol..think he thot i was mad or sumting..haha..
ok..then afterwards when adrian finally reached the canteen..i saw snowman trailing after him...like behind adrian and joseph la..i was kinda weirded out..then i turned to sarah and actually shivered..scary her..was afraid she'd talk to me..
then at first she din..so i was like 'phew'..then afterwards i was kinda 'asking' adrian how come she was with him again..haha..then he was like..[dont ask]...so i shutup..in case he blew his top or something..
think she follows him arnd la...during prep. for O2 she was also following him arnd la..everytime in the morning will see her coming to the vega OGL table de..abit scary...mayb she likes him=)...BUD SHE CANT!!!..cos someone already has her eyes on him..haha..
whee~~!!...on a high now...cos of endorphins produced during exercise:D..i hope i spelt that correctly..i ran 5 rounds and sookie and sarah ran six rounds today..then we went to play bball..damn fun..i so tyco..haha..then a bit paiseh to play in front of the bball team ppl...like cos we suck and they are the pros wad..bud forgot abt that after a while and played madly..oh..then another scary thing..
know how ammonia always gets made fun of cos of his B.O..well..me and sarah thot those guys teasing him were kidding la..thot his smell wasent so bad..bud halfway when we were playing bball he and his/sookie's friends came onto the court..after like 5 secs i smelt the stench waft into my nostrils..i was like..[wth?!]...then i thot someone farted or something..bud then when he raised his arms in front of me i was like..[help...gonna...f.a.i.n.t...]...then suddenly realised that sarah had 'retired' to the courtside..to clear her nostrils of his stench i suppose..omg..it was THAT bad la..scary..think i stinked too..bud not THAT much..
::thots of the day::
felt semi mean talking abt E...bud found out he's really quite escentric and really not to our tastes..so..
snowman might be ok once in a while..by that i mean like mayb i see her once a mth wld be more than enough le..cos she seriously scares me sometimes..i duno..mayb im easily intimidated...*loud roaring laughter in background*....
yay..wednesday got kayaking..im looking forward to that!!..not the stinking life jackets,nor the dirty water or the sunburn to come..bud just the thought of kayaking together with MY BUDDY, MY EXCO AND ME!!!..ODAC rawks:D..
~~to YOU~~
*huggiex*...i wanna hug u sometimes..bud it just feels not right yet and something always stops me..maybe its cos we're not THAT close yet..i'll try to improve:D..loved talking to u today=)
Monday, April 11, 2005
ahem-ahem..testing...in sch now..using the library com..sheena claims that it does not have any privacy and i totally agree...ah...2.40 now...gg to run/gym at 1700hr...rather excited bud worried i'd look weird running when everyone else is trying to avoid PE cos of the running we have to do..-_-''...luckily i have ppl to look stupid with me..haha...dearie/sexy/sookie,sarah/kinky,adrian and jos..haha...hope its gonna be happy and fun doing stuffs later on..
we mite be playing bball i think...bud i dread/shiver at the thot of playing bball with joseph...like he's so bloody tall i mite as well give up playing if he ever decides to stand in front of me..i think he's taller than derek..why does 'the great being above' make ppl so tall for?!!...and if he had no choice..y did he make short pl like me?!!!..to make me feel in secure and lower my moral?...this sucks..being short and all..freaky says i hang out with ppl who are abt the same,if not only a bit taller, height as me...and i agree..i mean how do u talk if ur friend is like so far away frm u..makes no sense..so...
shld be giving the add of this blog to freaky soon...if she stays online long enough that is..miss her much..think we've sortof drifted apart more in the transition frm sec sch to JC and thats sad..shall go to visit TJC sometime soon...not in MJC u of os..afraid of being looked down upon??..or mayb i'd just wear MJu anyway and go dao the stupid dao tj ppl..haha..im not making any sense...
whee~~!!..we talked today=)actually we talk everyday la...bud ya..haha..today was special cos i wasent pissed of at myself being pissed off at him anymore..haha...yaya~~!!...called yesterday..talked for a while..my face was like as hot as anything...blushing much..dun like being a girl haha...my emotions are like written all over my face la..sianz...i want him to realise bud on the other hand i dunt..im weird ok..duh...
if the girl u like and her friend were sittng in the canteen facing each other and u knew both of them...wld u sit beside her so u are closer to her or wld u sit next to her friend so u wld be facing her?
Sunday, April 10, 2005
kambatte vega!!
whee~~~~!!..thankies to all my dearest friends...dunno what i'd do without all of u...
thanks for being there for me and for making me happy=)..sry for cancelling out last minute..u had every chance to hate me bud u din..so thanks alot for that ...really appreciate it...
to YOU:sometimes [sry] is just not enough especially if it does not come frm the heart...once the damage is done..nothing can block or lessen the pain it brings..
went out to china sq today..such a chi-na sounding name..lol..im not racist mind u[how to be when i myself am chinese]...they had this flea market thing there...bought useless stuff..bought a 'nightmare before christmas' pouch thingie..tho i noe that its not the real thing..bud i make do..haha..
then we went to BCL...borrowed 8 books..havent been to a library in a long time..since after Os i think..haha..funny how during exams i always get the urge to read bud after that the feeling sortof gets less intense and if i dun go borrow a bk i'd forget abt ever reading..haha..if soon ying reads this she'll just abt hack me to death...haha
ah..starting sch tmr..din do econs..havent even collected the WB...intending to pon lessons..or perhaps open myself to persuasions frm my friends that i shld not attend XXX lectures..haha..luckily we havent had tutorials yet tho..or i'll die..
hope we'll still be in OGs...even tho i am supposedly pissed off by things he did/said..i wldnt be able to see him if we were in our classes and that'd be sad..on the other hand..i dread seeing E.'s face tmr..luckily he has decided not to sit within 1m radius of us or i swear i'll explod with the largest amt of force possible..
hope vega OGLs will continue meeting at atrium every morning=)...hope our friendships will stay staus quo till for the next 100+ yrs..!!
Saturday, April 09, 2005
blabla...today was a crappy day...started happy tho...just turned bad halfway and im sad now....carried adrian's bag today..haha nice bag..everyone said it was nice..shall force him to lend it to me for more days..lol..haha..then only had like hist and PW today..of cos i skipped PW..wad else is there to do..haha.it was crap as usual anyway..
then hist..was so hungry i bought mee goreng frm the malay stall cos sarah bought it and it smelt/tasted so damn gd*yumyum*..so i brought it into the LT to eat haha..had ppl staring at me bud i dun care..it was damn nice...haha had this weird fufilled filling after eating it:D..im weird..so sue me..so then NC changed the LT so we hadta shift..troublesome he..sheesh..hist was mainly the first three mths stuff again..boring..nearly slept like a million times..haha..bet my face looked squashed by my hands..lol..yeap..so then he was supposed to show us this vid of this person frm FR times changing into her thick clothes i think...bud he din show..sigh..then the whole lesson was boring..ah..
IM IN MIRANDA!!!!...yay..black hse..haha..love it:D
had to sign up for events on sports day..me and sheens and fiona signed up for the helpers position..haha..lol...cos we very slack bud dun wanna not do anything..haha..
class:a101...was rather ok..ppl looked rather friendly..i think im a bad judge of ppl...thot this girl was ah lian bud she turned out to be like the 'nicest girl'[quote]..haha..rather embarassed..sry...
then we went to TM!!..vega OGLs rawk=)..they went to eat at SG then me and sarah went to eat at LJ's..yummy:D...love it..haha..then after that we walked in to SG just to talk to the rest bud we ended up eating cos those SG ppl thot we had paid to eat..lol..very funny sia..we shld do that more often eh sarah?...bud it was not as tho we ate alot..so..just drank so i wldnt die of thirst..haha//
uhuh...then was rather on a high mood..laughing at sianwei and adrian's jokes..lol..yeap..then talking to al was really nice..havent seen her in a while..miss her much...
then came the terrible part...
without warning it just smacked full force into my face\\
without warning and seemingly without remorse\\
regret came after that\\
learnt not to trust that i cld reach for hands that were never there\\
not to rise to clouds easily then fall down with full realisation that it was nv meant to be\\
right frm the start\\
Saturday, April 02, 2005
UbEr hApPiNeSs=)
whoa..VEGA WON!!..was too high to actually post it on the day we on and too tired..really..we won!!yea...like screamed till i cldnt hear myself anymore...so veryveryvery happy:D..yay...sort of like a proud parent[sarah] kinda feeling...whee~!!..so high..bud then we din go out after that cos it was too late..sheesh..anticlimax..
the results were as follows:
think castor quite poor thing..they say they were unfairly treated and all and set up by ppl who refused to give them marks..mayb it was cos they won first orientation..bud there are also some ppl who claim that castor was very proud when they won and they keep calling alhenians ah lians or sumting lidat..
on second day of orientation alhena and castor almost had this big fight thingie..hmm..thot they allied in the end bud turns out they're still at loggerheads..hmmz..weird
anyway..MMM was really fun..was really happy to finish the MMM..think i played too much tho..cos OGLs supposed to be facilitators and not the ones playing the games...so..opps..haha...think MMM was really the one that bonded the new ppl and the ppl frm first three mths together..they were not really bonded during KYC and wet and wild..which was quite a surprise..thot everyone loved water..hmmz..saw weiyao smile..which was a gd thing after his hostile reaction during ice breakers..think he looks ok when he smiles..as in like a normal person la..
then vega won first for all the games categories bud got second for the campfires...really regret the missing out the steps in our dance..sry sookie..u came up with such gd dance moves and we din do a part of it in the end..just to let u know..i thot it was really great of u to chereograph the dance all by urself..otherwise VEGA TWO wld have been left without an item..*clapclap*..
to alice...hey al..was rather sad today because of something that happened yeaterday..bud ur letter cheered me up..duno why also..shall tell u why i was sad in my next letter ok..i promise i will reply soon..haha..
oh ya..had ODAC training yesterday..ice breaker games..i liked the squirrel game..haha..and ice and water..only the J2s refused to admit that they lost..then that alex keep wanting to run away..sheesh..wad a bad captive..lol..
then i saw HIM=)..happyhappy...then like fast heartbeat and all..bud luckily i dun blush much anymore..otherwise i'd be sssooo embarassed..sometimes i feel he likes me bud sometimes i dont..hmmz..im so weird..like a despo..y.u.c.k..i suck..
hmmz...classes coming out on wednesday..bud i already know what class im gg to be in..
gg to the museum at RIVERSIDE POINT later...im the only one frm my class la..the others dun wanna go..they say like gg to listen to a talk on grass abit boring..haha..mayb..mayb if i see that not alot of ppl i talk to go they i'll go hm or something..haha..or else will be very sian..luckily no need to pay..haha..
oh ya..wednesday gg to watch twelve nights at the DBS arts hse[?] i think..asking hoi to come along..haha..think it'll be fun..love plays..its 17 bucks tho..have to ask my mom to sponser..lol..
i think my mood has tremendously improved frm yeaterday..even sookie cld tell i was sad..over sms..thats like serious man..yah...i was so sad that i was afraid that i wld see 'things'..cos they say if u're in low spirits then u'll see them..luckily nv la..
wee~~!!..i think i wrote quite alot..quite proud of meself..haha..i mite post more often next time..Ooh...listening to mass dance song..LOVE IT!!..so cool=)